^le^^^^/j/i f/la/ic/o/p/t G/it/) Go/?i&s’ to f/tocA/o/uJrn2001: the 225thrnanniversary ofrnthe AmericanrnRevolution and thern25th anniversaryrnof Chronicles andrnThe RockfordrnInstitute.rnThe Rockford InstituternandrnChronicles: A Magazine of American CulturernPresents:rnThe 12th Annual Meeting ofrnTHE JOHN RANDOLPH CLUBrn”Tyranny and Revolution”rnNovember 9-10, 2001rnSince the Revolution, limited government, personal liberty, and states’ rights have beenrnground away by the forces of the counterrevolution that concentrated political powerrnin Washington, economic power in New York, and cultural power in Hollywood,rnManhattan, and a handful of anti-American universities.rnThomas Jefferson thought a little revolution now and then was the best remedy for concentratedrnpower. For 25 years. The Rockford Institute and Chronicles have been assembling thernkindling and the spark for the cultural counter-counterrevolution to restore the Old Republic.rnThis year’s meeting will assess the prospects for this revolution, with panels and lively discussions on:rn—The multiculturalist assault on civilizationrn—The metamorphosis of a once sovereign nation into the leading province of a global statern—The elimination of every conservative challenge to anti-Western/anti-Christian globalismrn—A vigorous agenda leading to victoryrnBy holding the meeting in Rockford, we intend to commemorate both the founding of the Institute and Chroniclesrnand to take advantage of Rockford’s peculiar recent history as “a laboratory of social experimentation”rn(as one federal judge described our massive school-desegregation experiment in taxation without representation).rnCLIFFBREAKERS RIVER SUITES HOTELrn700 W E S T RIVERSIDE BOULEVARDrnROCKFORD, ILLINOISrn”OVERLOOKING THE BEAUTIFUL ROCK RIVER”rnRooms are available at a special rate of $59.00 per night single/double occupancy.rnCall (815) 282-3033 and mention the John Randolph Club.rnSpecial Saturday Night Banquetrn25 Years of Chronicles and The Rockford Instituternlisterrn”‘”‘ZtfrrnNAME(S) (AS “IHKY SHOULD APPEAR ON NAME TAt;s)rnADDRESSrnF U L L R E G I S T R A T I O N (PANELS, FWDAY NIGHT RECEPTION AND OPENING ADDRESS, ^^Q MEMBER @ $ 150.”” ‘”^=5rnSATURDAY LUNCHEON, SAIURDAY NiGH’i” BANQUET, AND r~i (ti-yc oonrnSONCFEST) NON-MEMBER 0* ! t ) l / 5 . “=grnSATURDAY PANELS ONLY (No MEALS OR RECEPTIONS)rnSATURDAY NIGHT BANQUET ONLYrnMEMBER OR NON-MEMBER .rnMEMBER OR NON-MEMBER .rn$ ZS.””‘-rn$ 65.””‘rnTOTAL ENCLOSEDrn1 cannot attend the annual meeting, but 1 would like it to be a success. Enclosed is my conttibution of $rnMake checks payable to The John Randolph Club and mail with completed fotm tornJRC, The Rockford Institute, 928 N. Main Street, Rockford, IL 61103rnrnrn
January 1975April 21, 2022By The Archive
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