tr;iined and tended plants; pick therngrapes at just the riglit moment; crushrnthem, steep them, rinse them, fermentrndiem, mix them, age them; decant thernwine at just the right moment, for a distilledrndraught of sunlight from a long-lostrnvineyard.rnGlobal: Drink a can of Coke.rnLocal: Spend hours in passionate argumentrnat a cafe, sipping the regional aperitifrnor cordial or wine or beer or downingrnsmall cups of strong coffee, you and vourrnfriends conshtuting a long-standing, selfestablishedrndebating club, informalrncourt, floating chess game, and drinkingrnsociet)’.rnGlobal: Watch CNN while drinking arncan of Coke.rnlx)cal: Proudly prefer your own people;rnknow its histor}’ intimately; defend itrnas if it were your extended familv- (whichrnit is); revel in the unrivaled beauh’ of itsrncharacterisHc complexion, hair texture,rneye color, nose and head shape, its famedrnmusicalit’, its sense of humor, its melancliolyrnverse; loudly discuss among friendsrnits many faults and shortcomings, but disdainrnhearing these pointed out by outsiders;rnbask in the “narcissism of smallrndifferences,” those quirks and odditiesrnand endearing strangenesses that markrnyour people as truly itself and none other;rnextol its precious and unique accomplishments;rnworn,’ about its vibrancy andrnpotency in a hostile world, since yournknow that whatever is not growing isrnprobably dying, and that a people withoutrna territory is just another extinct racernin the making.rnGlobal: Watch CNN; recognize thatrnall other peoples are luiich superior tornyoru own, except perhaps for the onernthat’s been earmarked for this month’srnGroup Hate.rnLocal: Memorize hours’ worth of poetry,rnstories, and legends and many versesrnof songs for even’ occasion; sing or reciternin company when the spirit moves you.rnGlobal: Download and watch a moviernonline.rnLocal: Compose a stew that simmersrnon the stove all day, combining fat fromrnyour ducks and lard froiu your pigs, driedrnlocal beans, a bouquet of garden herbsrnand vegetables, wine and whatever lamb,rnsausage, or chicken you have on hand;rnknow how to tell if an egg is good or a nutrnis ripe, how to dress a goose and removernits liver, how to make a watertight basketrnout of woven dried grass, how to gatherrnand use herbs and essential oils to lessenrnfever and heal wounds, how to read thernsigns on eartii and in the heavens for sowingrnand harvest, drought and blizzard.rnGlobal: Order Thai takeout.rnLocal: Hew logs into planks; cure andrnbow the wood into ribs, a hull, hatches;rnbuild your craft without computer calculationsrnor simulations; rig it to be seaworthy;rnnavigate by compass, sextant, or deadrnreckoning; endure months of hard physicalrnexertion, uncertainty, exposure, badrnfood, hostile encounters, and rough seas;rnland in uncharted coves and explore unknownrnlandscapes; contact and learn torncommunicate with strange peoples; drawrnbeautiful maps by hand; make your wayrnhome to tell the story.rnGlobal: Adjust the headrest on yourrnairplane seat.rnLocal: Meditate upon transcendent,rnparadoxical ideas; withdraw from societyrnin order to devote yourself to purity andrnillumination; rise daily before dawn tornsing matins; fast, prav, labor, look inward;rnselflessly engage in good works; walkrnbarefoot for hundreds of miles to worshiprnat a shrine.rnGlobal: Watch Touched by an Angel.rnMarian Kester Goombs writes fromrnGrofton, Maryland.rn”The gift that keeps on giving.”rnThis Christmas, forget the socks and ties and fruitcakes, and give your lovedrnones a gift that they will tridv appreciate: a year’s subscription to Chronicles: ArnMagazine of American Culture. And when ‘on give a gift subscription at ourrnspecial introductory rate of only $19, you can renew your own subscription forrnonly $28 ($11 off of our normal rate). So spread the Yidetide cheer—andrnsave some money as well.rnPlease enter the following gift subscription.rnSend Chronicles as my gift to: Your information:rnNamernAdtlnrnNamernAddrrnCily/State/Zip City/State”Ziprn• I have entered a gift subscription for $19.rnPlease renew my subscription at the low rate of $28.rn(I have enclosed a check for $47.)rnTo order by credit card, please callrn1-800-877-5459rnPlease make check payable to Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture,rnP.O. Box 800, Mount Morris, IL 61054rn54/CHRONICLESrnrnrn