CHRONICLES’ BACK ISSUES, TAPES, AND BOOKSrnOn ChristianityrnCHRISTOS Y2K: CHOOSE YOUR MILLENNIUM—December 1999—ThomasrnFleming on the new religions of dinosaurs, AIDS, and race, Philip Jenkins onrnhow Matthew Shepard replaced Jesus Christ, and Harold O.J. Brown on the comingrnof the Third Age. Plus Jeffrey Meyers on traveling through Jamaica, Janet Scott Barlowrnon the New York Times and compassion, and an expose of the Russian banking scandal.rnBack Issue #:T99& $7.00rnHEALING THE SCHISM—December 1998—Fr Hugh Barbour lays the ground forrnan anti-ecumenical ecumenism, Harold O.J. Brown presents the Protestant view of churchrnunity, and Wayne Allensworth explains what’s wrong with Western evangelism in Russia.rnPlus Thomas Fleming on ecumenism, universalism, and empire and Samuel Francis onrnpaleo-Malthusianism.rnBack Issue #:T98& $7.00rnNATION UNDER GOD—December 1997—Thomas Fleming praises intolerance, D.rnGeorge Leech outlines a Christian foreign policy, William A. Donohue discusses anti-rnCatholicism (the last respectable bias), Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr., shows why the Christianrnright needs Econ. 101, and Harold O.J. Brown questions the ethics of the clergy. PlusrnCliff Kincaid on hovi’ Jesse Helms saved the United Nations.rnBack Issue #:T97& $7.00rnSACRAMENTS, ANTI-SACRAMENTS—December 1996—Thomas Fleming onrnUncle Sam as the anti-Christ, Father Ian Boyd on the sacraments as perceived by O.K.rnChesterton and Muriel Spark, Harold O.J. Brown on the sacraments of death, E, ChristianrnKopff on the catechisms of public education, and Philip Jenkins on teaching religion vs.rnreligious teaching.rnBack Issue #:T96& $7.00rnATHENS AND JERUSALEM—April 1996—Curiis Cate on the Nietzscheans ofrnNaumburg, Sir Hugh Lloyd-Jones on ancient Greek religion, Alain de Benoist onrnmonotheism vs. polytheism, and Thomas .Molnar on the twilight of the sacred. Plus JacobrnNeusncr on state-sponsored prayer and Wayne Allensworih on the revival of Russianrnpaganism.rnBack Issue #:T964 $7.00rnKEEPING THE FAITH: LIFE IN POST-CHRISTIAN AMERICA—Decemberrn1994—Philip Jenkins on the radicalism in the Episcopal Church, Thoirias Reming on therncase for religious boycotts, Thomas Molnar on the National Conference of Catholic Bishops,rnand John Patrick Zmirak on AIDS and the wiath of God. Plus Jacob Neusner on thernleft’s hijacking of Judaism and Sanford Pinsker on affirmative action and the LubavitcherrnRebbe.rnBack Issue #: T94& $7.00rn”OVERCOMING THE SCHISM” COLLECTORS’ SET—Four Audiotapes and twornBack Issues—This collection includes the taped proceedings of the May 1998 Chwniclesrnconference, “Overcoming the Schism” (tape #s RCEI, RCE2, RCE3, RCE4, RCE5, andrnRCE6), the December 1998 issue of Chwnicles (back issue #T98&), and a photocopy ofrnthe February 1999 issue of Chronicles (out of print). A savings of $ 19.00.rnSet#:RCES $70.00rnTHE PERENNIAL CHESTERTON—Audiotape—Fr. Ian Boyd will increase yourrnappreciation of G.K. Chesterton with this insightful and humorous lecture. Drawing fromrna wide selection of Chesterton’s work and correspondence, Fr. Boyd shows us thatrnChesterton was right about (among other things) contraception, the Anglo war machine,rnthe culture of advertising, and the destructive effect of liberal theology on the Church.rnTape#:RDS9 $12.50rnTHE MEDJUGORJE DECEPTION—Audiotapi^-For over l.’J years, Ciihure Warsrneditor E, Michael Jones has researched the supposed Marian apparitions at Medjugorje,rnBosnia. Following the biblical injuncrion, “By their fruits, ye shall know them,” Dr. Jonesrnexposes the web of deceit and fraud surrounding Medjugorje. In a remarkable lecture. Dr.rnJones reveals how outward piety can mask diabolical intentions.rnTape #: RDL2 $12.50rnCHRISTIAN MARRIAGE, THE FAMILY, AND CIVILIZATION—Audiotape—rnWas Saint Paul a misogynist’? Or does his warning to the Ephesians, “Let wives be subjectrnto their husbands,” contain the prescription for a just and ordered .society based on Chlistianrnmarriage and separate but complementarv sex roles’? Fr. Paul Check examines St.rnPaul’s teaching through the work of St. Augustine. St. Thomas Aquinas, and C.S, Lewis.rnTape#:RCSl $12.50rnSpecial OflFer: W t h any order over $50, you will receive a free copy of the October 1997 issue of Chronicles.rnIMPERIAL PRESIDENCY—October 1997—Patrick J. Buchanan on Mr. Lincoln’s War. Samuel Francis on the demise of checks and balances, Llewellyn Rockwell, Jr., onrnexecutive branch evils, and Donald Livingston and Thomas Naylor on the real meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance. Plus Thomas Fleming on how presidents became our masters andrnMarian Kester Ccwmbs on the attempt to feminize mathematics.rnBack Issue #: T970 $7.00rnProduct Order FormrnNamernAddressrnCitv/State/Ziprn1 1 Check or money order enclosedrn1 1 Please bill my: | | MasterCard | | “Visa | | AmexrnCard #rnExpiration DaternSignaturernPlease mail form (with payment) to:rnChron id es/ ProductsrnP.O. Box 800rnMount Morris, IL 61054rnCNrn2 or, to o r d e r t o l l – f r e e , call 1 – 8 0 0 – 3 9 7 – 8 1 6 0rn<rnProduct Code Quantity Unit PricernSubtotalrn20% Discount (on orders over $50)rnTotal Pricern-rnShipping & Handling I N C L U D E DrnTax-Deductible Donation to The Rockford InstituternTotalrn+rnOffer expires 10/31/01rnrnrn