and it should be returned to the states, I thiuk that’s a pro-Ufe position.rnK: Wliat do you expect will be your place in American politicalrnhistor}’? Harbinger, gadfly . .. ?rnB: I’ve had a phenomenal run in m- life. 1 came into polities atrnjust the right hme. I was on the Goklwatcr right, an editorialrnwriter, and in my heart I went through drat whole crushing defeat.rnI was the first one to arrive in Richard Nixon’s office inrn1965. I was with Nixon in die entire run-up into the WhiternHouse all the way through China and the summits and ’72, andrnwidr him that ver’ dav when he left in the helicopter.rnYou know, I thought fliat my political career had ended flicn.rnAnd then I went into journalism, and I had a great ten-‘ear run,rnand Ronald Reagan brought mc into the Wdnite House. I vasrnthere at Rejkavik and all fliose summits, and I was in the WhiternHouse during the hevday of tlie conservative moement. I supportedrnBush, I went back and had a great career in jonrnatism,rnand then I almost knocked off tire President of Hie United Statesrnin New Hampshire. I gave a memorable speech at the RepublicanrnConvention, probably the most controversial of die 20thrncenturw And then four years later, we were die sensation ofrn1996, until we were overwhelmed by the Republican establishment.rnI’m die onlv journalist that ever voii the New Hampshirernprimary.rnIt was a great run, and now I’ve taken this course. . . . Yournknow, they’e buried me ten times (Laughter). Wc’e got arncouple more lives left.rnI’ve had a wonderful life. I’ll tell yon. Bill, being out therernbuilding this party from scratch and fighting all diese batties inrnone state after another—it’s a wonderful experience. I thoughtrnI was 20 years old again. It was one of Hie wisest and best decisionsrnI’ve ever made.rnWin’ would I want to be up diere in Philadelphia, held inrnconfinement like tiie rest of the conservatives in the basementrnsomewhere at George Bush’s convention? And being trottedrnout in front of the cameras to say “this represents the restorationrnof Reaganism” (Laughter). I can’t do it anvmore.rnIt’s been a hell of an interesting life. I’m in tough shape pln’sicallyrnright now, and I’m a 100-to-l shot, but I’m in the final fourrn(Laughter).rnK: How influential has Chronicles been in vour political evolutionrnover the last ten vears?rnB: Chronicles has been to mc, in [he last ten years, what iV;^rntional Review was in the very earK’ 1960’s, with fliis difference:rnChronicles repeatedly comes to my defense. Of course, flic on-rn1}’ defense I needed in the earl- 60’s was legal (Laughter).rnK: Wliat spot will Sam Francis have in die Buchanan Cabinet?rnB: I’d have him hanging around the White House (Laughter).rnHe would be the Secretan,- of Heritage.rnK: Maybe he can be in charge of the anti-tobacco campaign inrnthe Buchanan administration.rnB: That’s right: Surgeon General!rnScreech Owl in Jubileernby David MiddletcmrnIts crackling talons clasping icv wiresrnStrung taut between and an oakrnWithin whose hollow bole December eggsrnBreak open cold in Januar’ sunrnWliilc copper hums tioth ways with human sounds,rnA brown screech owl with tliose straight-aliead eyes.rnFlat-faced, now hvists its flexible neck aroundrnWdien Roman candles flare blue, green, and goldrnAnd hissing sparklers darken like the starsrnShooting out of the limbs of YggdrasilrnAnd fireworks burst—a uni’erse of lightrnThat ares back into blackness at its height.rnAnd in that erv night where light expiresrnThe owl discerns still moing blind and warmrnOver flic frosted shadows of tiie grassrnThe star-nosed mole, pine mouse, and meadow mousernSo unaw are as softest feathers spreadrnDescending in their silence till a beakrnAnd talons clamped on gullet, neck, and spinernBring prev into a nest of wide-mouthed youngrnThat gulp dow n c[uivering bits whose dregs becomernRegurgitated grisflc, skin, and skull.rnAnd not far from fliesc fliings fliat hac to be—rnA sky afire —millennial Jubilee.rnBright moon-stained ecs obseiTC flie huiiian scene:rn1 ra’ed candles hung from li-e oaks in flic parkrnWind-swung into galactic attitudesrnI ,ike those whose beer suds up in astral foamrnWhen Avid L^J’fg Sync is transposed into strainsrnOf endless vistas blossoming in lightrnUp mountain pa,sturcs rising toward the sunrnWhere shepherds pi[)e flieir flocks to kingdom come.rnYet riiere between mimosas and an oak.rnSwept b flic dreaded plectrum All-Must-f)ie,rnThe screech owl’s quavering omen of a crrnFloats flirough the fluid roots of earfli and sky.rnNOVEMBER 2000/1 7rnrnrn
January 1975April 21, 2022By The Archive
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