“All the NewsrnUnfit to Print” ignsJ of tlie tlimesJrnVol. 2 No. 10 October 2000rnThe anti-Christian and anti-Europeanrnbias of the United States’ ehte is nowherernmore apparent than in its decades-long,rnlove affair with Turkey. President CUntonrnargued in Ankara last November thatrnTurkey will not only bridge “the gulf betweenrnthe West and the Islamic World” butrnis also slated to become “fully a part ofrnEurope, as a stable, democratic, secularrnIslamic nation.”rnA massive Turkish migratory invasionrnof Western European cities may be the realrn”challenge that remains for Europe,”rnand that is one reason some Europeans arernfinally realizing that Turkey is unfit forrn”Europe.” Unlike their American massrnmedia counterparts, they can write aboutrnit—although the correspondent for thernLondon Independent could complete hisrnfinal report only after he was safely out ofrnIstanbul (July 15):rnMy image of Turkey will alwaysrninclude the day I t r i e d to v i s Âirnt S i i r t , a wretched town inrnthe south-east, where the peoplernherd c a t t l e in the s t r e e t srnof the town centre becausernt h e i r villages have a l l beenrnburnt down by the Turkish securrni t y forces. A plainclothesrnpoliceman spotted me, a foreignrnj o u r n a l i s t daring to tryrnto do his job in a country thatrni s an o f f i c i a l candidate forrnmembership of the EU, and I wasrnfollowed a l l day by two carloadsrnof police. . . . It wasrnin Turkey that I f i r s t met peoplernwho had been tortured. Onernvictim, a Kurd, . . . was arrestedrnon his way from Istanbulrnto v i s i t r e l a t i v e s in Kurdistan.rnHe was beaten, sprayedrnwith hot and cold water, andrngiven e l e c t r i c shocks to hisrngenitals . . .rnA rare American expose of Turkishrngovemment brutality and U.S. complicityrnwas published not in the New York Timesrnnor the Washington Post, but in the Bulletinrnof Atomic Scientists (March/Aprilrn1999):rnIn 1995, the Clinton Administrationrnrecognized that thernTurkish government used Americanrnarms in domestic militaryrnoperations where human rightsrnabuses occurred. In fact,rnTurkey has forcibly evacuated,rnleveled and burned more thanrn3,000 Kurdish villages in thernpast decade. Most of thernatrocities, which have costrnover 40,000 lives, took placernduring Clinton’s first term inrnoffice. As an ally of the U.S.rnthrough NATO, Turkey receivesrnU.S. weapons, from dozens ofrncompanies, including Hughes,rnBoeing, Raytheon, and GeneralrnDynamics…. The war inrnTurkey represents the greatestrnuse of U.S. weapons in combatrnanywhere in the world today.rnThis condemnation is quoted in the annualrnreport published by Sonoma StaternUniversity’s Project Censored. For thernpast 24 years, the members of the Projectrnhave been compiling a list of newsrndeemed unfit for reporting in the UnitedrnStates.rnProject Censored confirms the influencernon U.S. foreign policy of multinationalrnoil companies eager to exploit thernCaspian Sea region, and it challenges otherrnmultinationals as well, especially pharmaceuticalrncompanies that focus their researchrnand development on high-profitrndrugs such as Viagra, rather than developingrncures for life-threatening diseases:rnViagra earned more than onernbillion dollars its first yearrn. . . Though representatives ofrnthe Pharmaceutical Researchrnand Manufacturers of Americarnclaim that some funds are directedrntoward eliminatingrntropical diseases, neitherrnthey nor individual firms arernwilling to provide statistics.rnResearch into Third Worldrntropical diseases is not beingrnextensively considered or produced.rnA recent and effectivernmedicine for African sleepingrnsickness was pulled from production,rnwhile older remediesrnare no longer available becausernthey are not needed inrnthe US. Meanwhile AIDS continuesrnto receive the most attentionrnin the Third World, mainlyrnbecause the disease also remainsrna threat to the FirstrnWorld.rnAnother health-related story that the establishmentrnmedia refuse to discuss concemsrnthe wealthy and powerful AmericanrnCancer Society (ACS). Project Censoredrnquotes from the International Journal ofrnHealth Services (Volume 29, number 3,rn1999):rnMore than half the funds raisedrnby the ACS go for overhead,rnsalaries, and fringe benefitsrnfor its executives and otherrnemployees, while most directrncommunity services are handledrnby unpaid volunteers. The valuernof cash reserves and realrnestate totals over $1 billion,rnyet only 15 percent of funds gorninto direct services for cancerrnvictims. Conflicts of interestrnaffect ACS’s approachrnto cancer prevention. With arnphilosophy that emphasizesrnfaulty lifestyles rather thanrnenvironmental hazards, the ACSrnhas refused to provide scientificrntestimony needed for thernregulation of occupational andrnenvironmental carcinogens.rnThe Board of Trustees includesrncorporate executives fromrnpharmaceutical industries withrna vested interest in the manufacturernof both environmentalrncarcinogens and anti-cancerrndrugs.rnOne thoroughly censored story is thern22/CHRONICLESrnrnrn
January 1975April 21, 2022By The Archive
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