VIEWSrnIt’s a Girl’s, Girl’s, Girl’s, Girl’s Worldrnby Marian Kester CoombsrnAtelevision ad: Single girl “Heather” has come to be videotapedrnfor a dating service. Haltingly, she blnrts out factsrnabont herself—she’s got a Lab, a “great” job, an “ont-of-controlrnshoe fchsh”—while sipping the diet soda which is supposedlyrnthe mison d’etre of the ad. The interviewer comments, “Soundsrnlike a pretty good life.” Taking a deep sip, the girl suddenly says,rn”Thank you!” in an almost normal tone of voice. “So, whatrnkind of man are you looking for?” conhnues the interviewer—rnto an empty chair, for Heather has decamped sans adieu back tornher pretty good life.rnThe message: If you have a dog, a great job, and a good shoernfetish, you do not need a man in your life, so long as you drinkrnthe right diet soda (whichever one that may be).rnAnother ad: A woman is driving a young man in her convertible.rnHe explains how he is trying to quit smoking using a “nicotinerndelivery” system, and she laughs at him throughout tiie explanation.rnArriving at their destination, he asks her how hernlooks; as she straightens his tie, she smirks, “Surprisingly intelligent.”rnAn even more offensive commercial has been running on radiorn—once again, for a product whose identity is effaced by thernheavy-handed psychological warfare. A man’s voice keeps anxiouslyrnquestioning, explaining, and apologizing as dinner is beingrnprepared, while a woman’s voice drones, “I’ve got a job, I’verngot a laptop, I’ve got car payments,” and other disconnectedrnfacts of a similar nature; the only time she addresses the nran isrnto say in a bored, annoyed tone, “Please don’t keep saying you’rernsorry.” Her last words arc, “And I’ve got a boyfriend—for now.”rnWe are back to the 60’s girl-graffiti: “A woman needs a manrnMarian Kester Coombs writes from Crofton, Maryland.rnlike a fish needs a bicycle.” Such ads are presumed to flatterrnwomen by implying that they do not need men. But perhapsrnthe truth is different and nruch simpler: These ads only superimposerna happy face on tiie realit}’ that men do not want womenrnvery much anymore. The most perfect symbol of wherernwomen now stand in the radical feminist state they have beenrnconned into supporting is our blithe President: a dedicated feministrnin principle, a pig in private. Real men loaflie Bill Clinton.rnA few decades ago, William Carlos Williams wrote of Americarnas “a vigorous, man’s country.” Clinton’s America, in contrast,rnis a woman’s world. Men tamed the Wild West, and nowrnthey—the foolhardy pioneers, the cowboys, the gunslingers, thernmen of honor—must be driven out of the territory so that “decentrnfolk” can live smug and snug in the prosperitv’ and securit}’rnthat those antiquated heroics wrested from the wilderness.rnMen’s achievements — physical, intellectual, and moral —rnhave made the world safe for women. Push-button war meansrnnever having to break a nail. Women stroll among the monuments,rnthe ruins of the histor’ men have made, exclaiming andrndeploring and, above all, appreciating. How easy it all looks!rnWliatever was the big deal? From foreign affairs to the whizbangrnapplications of niafli and science, it is all so easy to appreciaternnow.rnMen are being driven out, however, not by women, but byrnother men; not for reasons of “gender equity,” but for reasons ofrnpolitical power. Globalists hate and fear real men —flicy arernmen themselves, of course, but they are men of a class thatrnwants all the power, just as the Disney Corporation wants all ofrnyour entertainment dollars. Powerful men have always soughtrnto control other men but have never entirely succeeded. Thernglobalist elite has hit upon tiie scheme of replacing tiiese otherrnFEBRUARY 2000/1 Srnrnrn