olds says “never wanted to take sides,”rnwas passionately loyal to Sacco andrnVanzetti and became violently opposedrnto the communists in Spain after theyrnhad killed his friend Jose Roblcs. AndrnJake Barnes’ wound did not leave “hisrndesire for Brett forever unsatisfied.” Inrnchapter VII of The Sun Also Rises sherngives him some sexual satisfaction (“Dornyou feel better, dariing? It’s better.”).rnReynolds, like Griffin, has been draggingrnout Hemingway’s life—as if hernwere Leon Edel writing the life ofrnHenry James—in numerous short volumesrnso that the total cost for the completernbiography (with tiny print and unevenlyrninked pages) will be about $150.rnJames Mellow’s handsome volume, byrncontrast, covers the years described inrnReynolds’ book (March 1926 to Aprilrn1929) in 65 pages of text and notes, sayingrninfinitely more about this period—rnin which Hemingway divorced, remarried,rnhad a second son, suffered hisrnfather’s suicide, published The Sun AlsornRises, and wrote A Farewell to Arms—rnthan Reynolds does in four times asrnmany pages.rnMellow has not conducted any interviews,rnhis subtitle (from “Soldier’srnHome”) is confusing, and he is far toornpositive about A.E. Hotchner, who wasrnTHE RIGHT GUIDErn1993rn”Immensely useful directory.” (R. HESSEN,rnHOOVER INSTITUTION); “A treasure trovernof informatioii on conservative institutionsrnand opinion leaders.” (W.E. SIMON, JOHNrnM. OLIN FOUNDATION); “Nov^here else canrnyou find this information.”(N. TANIS, PASTrnPRESIDENT,NATIONAL LXBRAKIANS ASSOC);rn”Well researched..scholarly.,rnindispensable.”(D. MARTIN, JOINTrnECONOMIC COMMITTEE); “Coverage ofrnlibertarian organizations is both carefulrnand extensive.”(W. NISKANEN, CATOrnINSTITUTE)rn7bE RKSOT GVWE lists 2,500 organizationsrnby name, address and contact; 500 in-depthrnprofiles, programs, publications and more.rnArticle-style features of prominent groups,rnincluding; The Ludwig von Mises Institute,rnHillsdale College, Foundation FranciscornMarroquin and more. Keyword Index.rnPARTIAL UST OF SUBJECTS COVERED: Art-rnLiterature-Culture, Economics, Education,rnForeign Pollcy,Gold-Backed Money, HealthrnCare, Immigration, Pro-Life. 456 pages,rnclothbound. $49.95 (includes shipping).rnEconomics America, Inc.rn612 Church St.rnAnn Arbor, MI 48104rnCredit Cards (Visa/MC): (800) 878-6141rnloathed by everyone I spoke to. LikernKenneth Lynn, Mellow seems to dislikernand lose interest in the older Hemingwayrnand rushes through the last half ofrnhis adult life in only 80 pages. But thesernare minor flaws.rnThis thoroughly researched biographyrnis long, but not too long; it cracksrnahead at a lively pace and is consistentlyrninteresting. Though there is nothingrnmuch new in the book (it is virtuallyrnimpossible to find new material at thisrnstage of Hemingway studies). Mellowrnprovides a valuable synthesis of all thatrnis known about Hemingway. As Reynoldsrnrightly observes, Hemingway believedrnthat “whatever troubles a malernfriend might have, they were caused byrnhis wife.” Mellow emphasizes, in anrnoriginal way, I lemingway’s male friendships,rnhis reliance on male intimacy inrnthe face of danger, and his fear of therntaint of homosexuality.rnMellow’s judgments are consistentlyrnsound. He notes that the Hemingways,rnthough comfortably well off, were notrnpart of the Oak Park Country Club set.rnHe believes that the temporary blindnessrnof Hemingway’s mother was psychosomatic,rnthat Grace Hemingway wasrndevoted to her son, and that the youngrnHemingway (contrary to Lynn’s thesis)rnsuffered no bad effects from cross-dressing.rnIt is significant that Hemingwayrnsometimes called his mother “Mrs.rnStein” and described Gertrude Stein exactlyrnas if she were his mother; “I stuckrnby that old bitch until she threw me outrnof the house when she lost her judgmentrnwith the menopause.”rnMellow shows that the Indian girlrnPrudy Boulton was based more on fantasyrnthan on reality, he illuminatesrnHemingway’s ambivalence about hisrnfather, and he rightly suggests thatrnHemingway’s wartime friend Jim Gamblernmight have been in love with him.rnMellow shows that Hemingway’s baptismrnwas extremely dubious, though laterrnconvenient; that he suffered no permanentrninjuries from his war wounds,rnwhich gave him a sense of immortality;rnand that his wartime nurse Agnes vonrnKurowsky actually encouraged his courtship.rnHe mentions the rivers runningrnthrough Hemingway’s works, as well asrnhis use of secondhand sources to providerna realistic basis for his fiction, andrnrightly remarks that in The Sun Also Rises,rn”Hemingway followed Stein’s advicernrather than her example.” In general.rnMellow proves that there is always roomrnfor another intelligent, perceptive, andrnelegantly written biography.rnJeffrey Meyers, a Fellow of the RoyalrnSociety of Literature, has publishedrnHemingway: The Critical Heritagernand Hemingway: A Biography. Hisrnlife of Toe appeared last year, and he isrnnow writing a biography ofF. ScottrnFitzgerald for HarperCollins.rnFrontier Fantasiesrnby Gregory McNameernDaniel Boone: The Life and Legendrnof an American Pioneerrnby ]ohn Mack FaragherrnNew York: Henry Holt; 429 pp., $27.50rnFolklore is not history, and mythmakersrnhate complications. Finallyrnwe have a reliable life of Boone throughrnthe considerable efforts of John MackrnFaragher, a professor of history at MountrnIlolyoke College whose earlier bookrnWomen and Men on the Overland Trailrn(1979) won the American Historical Association’srnprestigious Frederick JacksonrnTurner Award. Daniel Boone should earnrnhim even greater accolades, for as a workrnof accessible history it has few contemporaryrnpeers.rnA straightforward chronological narrative,rnDaniel Boone opens with thernbirth on October 22, 1734, of the sonrnof a Quaker frontiersman. Squire Boone,rnwho had emigrated to America fromrnEngland 21 years earlier. As a boy inrnthe upper Schuylkill valley of Pennsylvania,rnDaniel Boone learned the necessaryrncountry skills, so excelling in marksmanshiprnthat his neighbors hired himrnto do their hunting for them. He mayrnhave done his job too well, for as arnyoung man Daniel found the hillsidesrnalready devoid of game. Coincidentally.rnSquire Boone was excommunicatedrnfrom the Society of Friends in 1750 afterrnDaniel’s brother Israel married arn”worldling,” and the family no longerrnhad reason to remain in the Quakerrnhomeland. They relocated to a farmsteadrnon the Yadkin River not far fromrnWinston-Salem, North Carolina, fromrnwhich Daniel began to operate a profcs-rn38/CHRONICLESrnrnrn
January 1975July 26, 2022By The Archive
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