From the July 1999 issue of Chronicles. In The Mirage of Social Justice, the second volume of his trilogy on Law, Legislation, and Liberty, Friedrich von Hayek confessed that, “as a result of long endeavors to trace the destructive effect which the invocation of ‘social justice’ has had on our moral sensitivity,” he had “come...
July 1, 1999April 29, 2022Web
“Social” Justice Is Not Justice
In The Mirage of Social Justice, the second volume of his trilogy on Law, Legislation, and Liberty, Friedrich von Hayek confessed that, “as a result of long endeavors to trace the destructive effect which the invocation of ‘social justice’ has had on our moral sensitivity,” he had “come to feel strongly that the greatest service”...
June 1, 1999April 21, 2022Reviews
The First Philosophic Age
It can confidently be claimed—and has already been by several reviewers in the philosophers’ trade journals—that this book is absolutely indispensable to anyone wanting hilly to understand the whole range of Hume’s writings. That range includes much more than the Treatise, the two Enquiries, and the Dialogues—the four works normally studied in university courses in...