The Lure of Integralism

The Lure of Integralism

Catholics have figured prominently among American conservatives, from Russell Kirk to William F. Buckley, Jr., to Antonin Scalia. Though they differed in many ways, Kirk, Buckley, and Scalia all emphasized the importance of tradition in ordering any decent society and the consistency of America’s constitutional order with Catholic doctrine and tradition. The neoconservative shattering of...

A Tale of Two Americas

A Tale of Two Americas

We are a nation and people at war with itself. Politically, this war plays out over issues of electoral irregularities, progressive dictates, and the questioning of COVID lockdowns. Yet this division is more than a political divide; it represents a fundamental shift in the character of our people or, rather, our splitting into two separate...


Mother Knows Best

Man may be dying out, but patriarchy—men’s oppression of women—lives on. If only we were more controlled by women, or at least by the feminine aspect of our natures, life would be much better: kinder, gentler, and more “caring.” It is patriarchy, after all, that makes America so aggressive; it is patriarchy that makes American...