Diagnosing the Right as Pathological

Diagnosing the Right as Pathological

While President Joe Biden was supposed to turn down the temperature and restore normalcy to our political life, rhetoric from those in power increasingly echoes with dark references to “homegrown terrorists” and “extremists” emerging from a process of radicalization. For months after the inauguration, the ruling class maintained Washington, D.C. as a fortress city, complete...

Racial Triage

Racial Triage

The medical concept of triage became widely employed during World War I. In the industrialized warfare of the Western Front, casualties soon overwhelmed available medical care. New weapons like machine guns, high explosive artillery, and poison gas produced thousands of casualties quickly. There were only so many doctors and beds to go around, so a quick decision...

Bad Intel

Bad Intel

A pair of recent news items unintentionally demonstrated the ways the Intelligence Community is a primary source of our confused foreign policy in the Middle East, while also undermining President Trump here at home. First, substantial doubts have arisen regarding the source and even the actuality of the 2018 gas attacks in Syria. These attacks...