The West’s Eco-imperialism Against Africa

The West’s Eco-imperialism Against Africa

There is a global movement to remove the residues of Western imperialism from society, one seen in the toppling of monuments dedicated to Western explorers and statesmen. Activists also assert that developing countries must be permitted to chart a new course without cultural interference from the West. Yet this assertion breaks down when it comes...

The Five Myths of Systemic Racism in Policing

The Five Myths of Systemic Racism in Policing

The belief that law enforcement is infused with systemic racism is a myth. As the evidence demonstrates, blacks are not disproportionately killed by the police. Moreover, the perception of white officers as trigger-happy is also baseless. Here is a rebuttal of five popular lies. Myth 1: Blacks are disproportionately killed by the police. Blacks are 13.4...

Most Black Republicans Aren’t True Conservatives

Most Black Republicans Aren’t True Conservatives

The Republican Party has been shamelessly embracing blacks on the sole criteria that they embrace capitalism and rehash stale talking points crediting dead Democrats for starting the Ku Klux Klan. Such overtures are acceptable to many, however, because the modern Republican Party rarely articulates a conservative message. The party does excel at something, however, namely,...

Two Studies on Immigration and Race, With Surprising Details

Two Studies on Immigration and Race, With Surprising Details

Two mainstream think tanks have published new studies on immigration and race in America that come to the typical, safe conclusions. But a look at the data inside shows something more interesting. A new Cato Institute report defending immigration begins by contending that immigrants are unlikely to negatively affect states’ fiscal health. But within the study’s findings,...

Why Republicans Struggle to Gain the Black Vote

Why Republicans Struggle to Gain the Black Vote

Acts of contrition can never endear the Republican Party to black Americans. Republicans have assumed the opposite for decades, thinking that blacks will reward them with support for their energetic pandering. What Republicans fail to realize is that black people view voting as an expression of group solidarity. This solidarity is crucial to the identity of black...

Group Conformity Holds Back Black Achievers

Group Conformity Holds Back Black Achievers

The Biden administration is studying slavery reparations for African Americans. One of the prominent justifications for reparations is the racial income gap, and some proponents of reparations argue that wealth redistribution would put blacks on equal footing with white Americans. This analysis is misguided. A major reason for the racial income gap is the individual achievement...

An Unleashed Feminine Mystique is Destroying Higher Education

An Unleashed Feminine Mystique is Destroying Higher Education

The general feminization of Western society has had many negative effects, not least of which is the poisoning of intellectual discourse. Research shows that men tend to act as warriors, who emphasize winning and proving points; women tend to be empathetic, and place far greater value on people’s feelings. But feelings have no business in academia. Intellectuals should...

Big Tech Violates Contracts, Not Free Speech

Big Tech Violates Contracts, Not Free Speech

Liberals rarely defend the property rights of corporations, so it is quite amusing that scores of them are arguing that social media companies have the right to deplatform rogue actors. Unfortunately, by making free speech the crux of the argument conservatives have ceded the debate to liberals.  Instead, we should be asking ourselves if companies can arbitrarily...

White People’s War on Western Civ

White People’s War on Western Civ

Many argue that whiteness is a major problem in America. On the internet one can find scores of articles depicting the perceived racism of white Americans as the genesis of all ailments. Those who are steeped in history, however, are aware that Western society is distinctly individualistic and open to new ideas. For example, today one is far more likely to find white people...

Identity Politics Preserve the Elites’ Power

Identity Politics Preserve the Elites’ Power

The avalanche of identity politics has spurred an interest in studying income inequality along cultural lines. Surprisingly, leftists have deviated from their fixation on class warfare to privileging race and gender disparities. It is even more bewildering that few writers recognize the devaluing of class dynamics in popular debates. Invariably, income inequality is mainly about...