
Desert Storm Troopers

September 5, 1996, was not your typical workday at Molycorp’s Mountain Pass Mine in California. Molycorp employee Steve Johnson recalls how the intruders arrived: “They stopped at the gate, the guard, he wasn’t going to let them in, and the guys threatened to pull a gun on him, and he let them in.” Susan Messier,...


Sex, Drugs, and a Republican Party

An all-night homosexual “circuit” party called Cherry Jubilee’s “Main Event” took place in Washington, D.C., on April 13, 1996. The dance party featured public nudity, illicit sexual activity, and illegal drug use. Among the sponsors of the gay festivities were a GOP congressman and a host of corporations. A federal building, the Andrew W. Mellon...


Myopic Media

The 1996 Radio and Television Correspondents Dinner in Washington, D.C., in March may be remembered for shock-jock Don Imus’s tasteless diatribe, but the real discord occurred behind the scenes. Interviews I conducted with top news players at the dinner revealed a media sharply polarized. Network news titans clashed over the present state of the media....


Marauding Media Mob

A newsman, being thrashed about in the middle of a media mob, shouted, “Don’t push me!” Another newsman responded, “You gonna get pushed.” A shoving match ensued that would have made any schoolyard dispute look highbrow. An exchange of expletives followed. The press coverage of the 1996 New Hampshire primary was in full swing. This...


The Truth About the Million Man March

“It’s time for the government to pay us reparations for the 500 years of slavery that they put on us,” declared a marcher in the Million Man March in Washington, D.C., on October 16. I attended the march on assignment for Rush Limbaugh, The Television Show. My coverage of the march aired on Mr. Limbaugh’s...