In early May, four people lost their lives when rioters set fire to a bank in downtown Athens, then prevented rescue workers from reaching the facility. Those deaths serve as a warning by leftists and anarchists that anyone who dares to work during a declared strike will lose his life. At the time of this...
Silence the Opposition
The Socialist Greek government is crafting and carrying out policies that appear to have come straight from the Soviet playbook in efforts to repress the conservative opposition, which came out of last October’s elections heavily wounded. Those who oppose Greece’s immigration law, which grants citizenship to practically everyone (Al Qaeda has found a new gateway...
Greece on the Skids
The economic crisis is on the minds of everyone in Greece, and James Carville’s “It’s the economy, stupid” is on the lips of many Greek politicians. The Hellenic economy is collapsing, and the huge and counterproductive public sector has failed to generate growth, produce wealth, and diffuse it to the people. The major European papers...
Left Turn In Greece
Security has always been a key issue for conservatives and nationalists worldwide. But that’s not the case in Greece. So voters in the homeland of democracy, displeased by riots and anarchy, the inability of the government to put down the protests, and the effects of the financial crisis, have reacted angrily against the “conservatives” on...
A Modern Greek Tragedy
Greece is under the influence of an aggressive (and violent) left, which has made common cause with liberals in an attempt to eliminate every vestige of the Hellenism that is so deeply rooted in the psyche of the indigenous population. Of course, they call it political correctness and modernization. Following the familiar pattern of the...
Talking About Conservatism: The Politics of Guilt
It is not easy nowadays even to mention the word conservative in Greece. Historical factors, as well as the cultural dominance of the left since the restoration of democracy in 1974, have put immense pressure on everyone who is trying to represent the right in the modern Hellenic Republic. Even when speaking of the ruling...