“Social Register”

“Social Register”

With a sense of sweet justice muted only by the most basic human considerations, we read of one event in New York’s end-of-summer season: the mugging of two prominent socialites, big stars on the Manhattan lib jet-set firmament, both shining lights of Vogue and WWD. The deliciously exciting romp took place in the East End-Carl...


Jorge Luis Borges

Jorge Luis Borges is anything but easy to accept, absorb, comprehend, and emotionally embrace. It’s not that his poems, short stories, and essays are all hard to read, for some of them have the lucidity and pure tone of a crystal form seen and struck. Others are admittedly trying, especially for those not cognizant of...


James Burnham

Few 20th-century writers have moved so dramatically from the left to the right as James Burnham, and fewer still have articulated so clearly the moral and cultural validity of such a shift. Born in Chicago in 1905 and educated at Princeton and Balliol, Burnham began a 26-year career as a teacher and professor of philosophy...


Time’s Precision

Time’s shining light in the domain of publicistics, Mr. Hugh Sidey, instructs Ronald Reagan on why and how we should be cautious and measured in flexing America’s military muscle: Twice in the past four decades we miscalculated, and we had war in Korea and Viet Nam. What did we “miscalculate” in Korea? On June 25,...


Epistemological Chutzpah

One Lawrence Barrett– Time magazine’s senior editor who blew the whistle on Carter’s purloined briefing papers in his book on Reagan and whom Parade, the lowbrow Sunday gossip magazine, calls “distinguished,” “knowledgeable,” and “insightful”–bares his mental acumen for the aforementioned sheet in an interview about the President: [He is] often too rigid for his own...



In The Nation, whose basic reigning philosophy is–to the best of our knowledge–rigid dialectical materialism, we find a fine example of how smoothly this allegedly scientific and empirical ideology turns into mystical fideism. One Sidney Lens, an intrepid apologist for any Sovietized thing on earth, writes: Cubans have the highest standard of living in Latin...


Polemics & Exchanges

EDITORrnThomas FlemingrnKXF.CU’IIVK F.DITORrnScott P. RichertrnSENIOR EDITOR, BOOKSrnChilton Williamson, ]r.rnASSISTAN’I- EDITORrnAaron D. WolfrnART DIRECTORrnH. Ward SterettrnDESIGNERrnMelanie AndersonrnCONTRIBUTING EDITORSrnKatherine Dalton, Samuel Francis,rnGeorge Garrett, Paul Gottfried,rnPhilib Jenkins, ].0. Tate, MichaelrnWashburn, Clyde WilsonrnCORRESPONDING EDITORSrn]anet Scott Barlow, Bill Kauffman,rnDonald Livingston, Roger D.rnMcGrath, William Mills, WilliamrnMurchison, Andrei Navrozov,rnJacob NeusnerrnKII.M EDITORrnGeorge McCartneyrnFOREIC,N-AFFAIRS EDI TORrnSrdja TrifhovicrnLEGAI .AFFAIRS EDITORrnStephen B. PresserrnRELIGION EDITORrnHarold O.]. BrownrnCIRCUIATION...


Polemics & Exchanges

room for guilt. Every evil behavior isrn”sickness.” Stealing, gambling, gluttony,rnobscenity, or killing are all symptoms ofrnmental illnesses, according to the APArnand the AMA. The insanity defense is arnsafet) valve that permits people to closerntheir eyes to the darkest pits of the humanrnsoul.rnThe truth is that depression, phobias,rnand anxieties do not cause people tornchange or lose...


Cultural Revolutions

CULTURAL REVOLUTIONSrnAFTER SEPTEMBER 11, voices fromrnmany quarters have urged Americans tornreflect on the reasons for the widespreadrnhatred that the United States enduresrnabroad. This is doubtless good advice:rnSuch historical reflection is always worthwhile,rnand the pressing need for it is amplifiedrnin fimes of trouble.rnBut whether these voices genuinelyrnseek historical reflechon (as opposed tornthoughtless ideological applause) is anrnopen...


Cultural Revolutions

similar principle is at work here: A reasoned,rnwell-planned, and limited militaryrnaction of some sort against whatever limitedrngroup is ultimately shown to be responsiblernfor the September 11 attacks isrnmore respectful — to the victims, to therninterests of the United States, to the worldrnat large, and even to those behind the attacksrn—than either an indiscriminate militaryrnresponse or...


Cultural Revolutions

sticky—and related —problems of evilrnand the disappointments and seeminglyrnrandom tragedies of human existence.rnTheir problem is not with “religion”;rntheir problem is with God.rn–Wayne AllensworthrnSINCE SEPTEMBER 11, I have spentrna great deal of time in interviews with allrnsorts of media people, who range fromrnthe well informed to the abysmally ignorant.rnOne question that occurs withrndeadly predictability concerns the...


Cultural Revolutions

CHRONICLES’ BACK ISSUES, TAPES, AND BOOKSrn* Christmas PastrnOLD TIME RELIGION: TRADITION & FUNDAMENTALS—December 2000—rnThomas Fleming charts the path from tradition to annihilation, Harold O.J. Brown examinesrnthe tension hetwecn revelation and tradition, Philip Jenkins predicts the future of traditionalrnChristianity, and Steven Wilkins explains how the American South kept covenantrnwith God. Plus Alberto Carosa on the life...


The Tower of Skulls

PERSPECTIVErnThe Tower of Skullsrnby Thomas FlemingrnYou’ve never been to Nish?!” My friend was incredulous.rnHow can someone who has traveled, it sometimesrnseems, every inch of Montenegro, Bosnia, and Kosovo not havernfound the time to go to Nish? The lady is far from being a localrnchauvinist, but when I first met her and asked (as I had...


The Tower of Skulls

the same rage. Although iconoclasm was eventually eondemnedrnat the Seventh Ecumenieal Couneil, the rahies hasrnneer been eliminated. The Bogomils, Cathars, and Albigensiansrnwere not only unsound on the Trinit- and enemies of thernestablislied order of the Church, but many went as far astray inrnthe practices of everda- life as die Anabaptists who embracedrnsome of their heresies....



Relationsrnby Lawrence DuganrnFamilies arriving at the zoornKnow by some instinct what to do:rnParents lead till daughter lingersrnWatching monkey count his fingers,rnFinding four, or six, or dozensrnIf the count includes his cousins . . .rnAnd then those people start to starernAs if the monkey’s heart were bare!rnAcross the crease of solemn facernThe ancient wisdom of our...


Breaking Glass

Breaking Glassrnby Philip JenkinsrnShadow of EcstasyrnIt’s starting again. ^^Iniost 20 ears ago, tliernfederal goernnicnt launehed what becamernknown as die “war on drugs,” a radicalrnexperiment to suppress illegal drugsrnriirough harsh penal solutions. Amongrnortier things, this meant long prison sentencesrnfor the sale or possession of tin’rnquantities of controlled substances, sentencesrnthat are astonishingl}- severe b thernstandards of irtualK’...


Causes and Catapults

VIEWSrnCauses and CatapultsrnThe Incarnation and Its E^nemiesrnby Philip JenkinsrnFor over a thousand ears, Western ciilization was definedrnb’ the shifting rcHgioiis fi^onrier behveen Christianih andrnIshim, and the MusHm rehgion was the uUiniate enemy.rnWhenever Western Cliristians wished to eondenin a person orrna movement, the obvious tactic was to compare it to Islam.rnWhen a mecHeval French king wanted...


Causes and Catapults

cnt faitlis might come together in harmony, perhaps to watchrnschool plays or see children unwrap presents. He recognizedrnthat the whole underlying doctrine of Christmas was the mostrnstark, uncompromising, and vaunting assertion of the corernChristian idea, Verhum cam factum est. Tliis is scandal to Jews,rnfolly to Greeks—and unspeakably horrible blasphemy to Muslims.rnThe Koran devotes a whole...


Causes and Catapults

The amazing thing about the novel is that the ideologiealrntransfomiation from progressive to MusHm is accompHslied sornconvincingly that we can readily accept it. One of Chesterton’srnmost striking characters is the progressive prohibitionist Philip,rnLord Ivywood, the naive aristocrat who leads the campaignrnagainst wine and social nonconformity: He espouses all the faddishrncauses of his day, including vegetarianism...


A Tender, Unitarian Christmas

A Tender, Unitarian Christmasrnby Aaron D. WolfrnYankees Touching Harps of GoldrnAppropriately, it was 1984. The Reagan-Bush ticket hadrnwon reelection. The U.S. Olympic team had destroyedrneveryone else at tlie Summer Games in Los Angeles. ‘I’he HIVrnvirus had heen identified, and a cure for AIDS would surely follow.rnHezhollah terrorists had bombed tlie U.S. embassy northeastrnof Beniit, and...


A Tender, Unitarian Christmas

And man, at war with man, hears notrnThe love-song which they bring; —rnOh hush the noise, ye men of strife,rnAnd hear the angels sing!rnThe Christian era has been a mere “two thousand years ofrnwrong?” Wliat, then, is the purpose of Christmas? It is our opportimityrnto “hear the angels sing.” Wliat do they sing? “Peacernon the...


A Tender, Unitarian Christmas

While the Puritans spurned the writings of the medievalrnsehoolmen, they were nonetheless obsessed with logie. As thernmoniunental work of the late Perry Miller suggests, the Puritansrntraded what they perceived to be the syllogistic logic of Aristotlern(and St. Thomas) for the aesthetic logie of Petrus Ramus. Ramus,rna French humanist who converted to generic Protestantismrnin 1561, was...


A Tender, Unitarian Christmas

And it was on this basis that the Unitarians transformedrnChristmas into something that both hberals and evangehcalsrncould enjoy—a clear departure from the Puritan past. By 1842,rna new interpretaHon of the holiday was already in place:rnI have always thought of Christmas hme, when it hasrncome round—apart from the veneration due to its sacredrnname and origin, if...


“Bless the Lord, All You Works of the Lord”

“Bless the Lord, All You Works of the Lord”rnNature and the Incarnationrnby Scott P. RichertrnIn one of the first episodes of the latest Star Trek series, Enterprise,rnthe crew, a few weeks ont from Earth on the ship’srnmaiden voyage, has become homesick. Suddenly, an inhabitablernplanet appears off of the port side. Tliere are no signs of...


“Bless the Lord, All You Works of the Lord”

a gloss on the Creation story that radically alters the way Christiansrnview Nature. The God Who created the world and everythingrnin it has become a part of Creation; indeed, He has becomernthe centerpiece of Creation, the Savior of mankind, hirntaking on our nature. He has not only redeemed us but drawnrnus closer to Him. As...


Chronicles Intelligence Assessment

CHRONICLES INTELLIGENCE ASSESSMENTrnOsama bin Laden: The Balkan ConnectionrnT lie II.S. and British cinlwssics were shut down in Saraje{)rnon October 17 after receixing threats from Bosnian Nhislinisrnand tlicir foreign coreligionists resident in Bosnia who jjrofessrnontrage at the l)oinbing of Mghanistan. “This step has beenrntaken dne to a credible secnrih threat to the official U.S. presencernin Bosnia-I...


Chronicles Intelligence Assessment

Mast to ()iHi America.rnIn tlic wake of Septcnibci’s terrorist attacks, it was rc]K)rtcdrnthat Muslim authorities had issued a lk)siuan passport tornOsama bin Laden at tlic l^osnian cmhass- in ‘ienna in 199s.rnThe l/etbcgoic goernnicnt tiiirs facilitated the moxement otrntlie man who had, b that time, alread acquired a reputation asrna dangerous terrorist. Another bcnefieiar of Bosnian...


Chronicles Intelligence Assessment

tliat, “last car, sources in Jordan sa-, the Mukliaharat, the intelligencernseniee, alerted the C.I.A. to at least three plots h Bosnian-rnbased Islamic terrorists to attack U.S. targets in k’.urope.”rnWhile an elaborate Islamic terror nehvork was de elopingrnin Bosnia, Osairia bin Laden w as busy looking for freshrnopportunities in the Balkans. During the NATO war againstrnSerbia,...


Some Dare Call It Justice

REVIEWSrnSome Dare Call It Justicernby Stephen B. Presserrn”Justice is a contract of expediency, entered upon to prevent menrnharming or being harmed.”rn— Epicurus, AphorismsrnThe Betrayal of America: How thernSupreme Court Undermined thernConstitution and Chose Our Presidentrnhy Vincent BugliosirnNew York: Thunder’s Mouth Press;rn166 pp., $9.95rnSupreme Injustiee: How the HighrnCourt Hijacked Election 2000rnhy Alan M. DershouitzrnNew York: Oxford...


Some Dare Call It Justice

of “equal protection,” so the argumentrnruns, la’ in the faihire of the FloridarnSupreme Corut to declare a statewidernstandard to he used in counting, thusrnlea’iug unclear whether the reeountersrncould find xalid votes where there wererndimpled chads, pregnant chads, swingingrnchads, hanging chads, et cetera. Thernresulting possibilit}’ for different standards,rnthe Court declared, might be nnduK’rnprejudicial to George W....


Some Dare Call It Justice

ought to be reversed, and additional recountsrnshould be taken.rnOnec again, the Denioeratic trialcourtrnjudge ruled against Al Gore. Sensibly,rnhe interpreted the “contest” statute tornapply only to situations in which gross irregularitiesrnwere suspected, not to closernelections. By now. Gore had lost thernoriginal count, the mandatory machinernrecount, the certification, and the attemptrnat a “contest.” He appealed, oncernmore, to...


The Coming Ordeal

The Coming Ordealrnby Srdja TrifkovicrnDoes America Need a Foreign Policy?rnhy Henry KissingerrnNew York: Simon & Schuster;rn352 pp., $30.00rnThis latest book b’ the former sccretan’rnof state illustrates the difficult}’rnof separating a piece of writing from itsrncreator (Alan Greenspan on macroeconomics,rnBill Gates on informahon technology’,rnSteven Spielberg on einematograpln).rnWould a similar, slim volumernattract national attention if came from...


The Coming Ordeal

in Chapter II, in which Kissinger diseussesrnNATO and missile defense. Kissingerrnis a dedicated “NATO forever” enthusiastrnand a firm proponent of the missile-defensernsystem. I’o him, NATO “shll remainsrnas an insurance policy against arnnew Russian imperialism.” It must notrnlose its sense of purpose and dissolve “intorna mnltilatcral mishmash”; if it did,rn”both Germany and Russia woidd berntempted to...


Clark’s Tale

digm provide examples of ideological distortionrnlegitimized by a value system immunernto critical scrutiny. That Kissingerrnis probably unaware of the hierarchy ofrnnormative control that determines hisrnown thinking does not mean he is off thernhook. A “self-revising” analyst—a boldrnthinker unbound by institutional loyaltiesrnand personal ambition —would deliberatelyrnseek the distinction betweenrnvalues and norms. Critically examiningrnnorms —in this case,...


Clark’s Tale

as a diarist than he would ever have donernas a career poHtieian.rnThe first vohime of his diaries, coveringrn1983 to 1991 and published in 1993,rnwas promptly described by the Times asrn”one of the great works in the genre” forrnits “Pooterish self-assessment, for MrrnToad’s enthusiasm for new things, for Byron’srncaddishness, for its deadly candour.”rnIt was not just...


Frankly, My Dear…

buried beside him. One must havernfaith, but haunting me is the endlessrnjourney, faster than the speedrnof Hght, of the soul into infinit)-.rn(There is still much speculation aboutrnwhether Alan Clark converted to Catholicismrnjust before he died; he was anrnunexpectedly religious man, who oftenrnmentions God in the Diaries.)rnHis book ends on a high note, withrnClark vTiting of...


Principalities and Powers

Principalities & Powersrnbv Samuel FrancisrnEnemies Within and AbovernWithin a few hours of the terrorist attackrnon the World Trade Center and the Pentagonrnlast September, it had becomerncommonplace for even high-rankiirgrngovernment officials and elected leadersrnto say publicly that Americans would justrnhave to get used to fewer constitutionalrnliberties and personal freedoms than theyrnhave traditionally enjoyed. Of course, thatrnwas...


Principalities and Powers

From the perspective of the v’orldviewrnand materia] interests of the rnling class,rnof comse, that message makes sense.rnThe Constitution, after all, is an 18thcentnryrndocimient reflecting the beliefsrnand interests of a long-defunct agrarianrnand mercantile ruling class and societ}’,rnwhile mass immigration and the kind ofrnsocieh’ it shapes reflect the modern, postindustrial,rnglobalist regime that breaksrndown all such distinctions and...


Letter From Rockford

Letter From Rockfordrnby Scott P. RichertrnFrom Here to Eternityrn”Weapons—guns, knives, brass knuckles,rncigarette lighters . . . ” The young man’srnvoice trails off. If he were not waving hisrnmetal-detector wand at us, I might thinkrnthat he was offering to sell us a gun or two,rnnot asking us if we were carrying any.rn”No, they’re all in the...


Letter From Rockford

‘The trouble with the House of Horrorsrn(and similar haunted houses), the RockfordrnRegister Star claimed, is that the organizersrndeliberately hide their intentions.rnNothing at the House of Horrorsrnindicates that it might differ from the fewrndozen other haunted houses in the area,rnand its website {mriv.ficreainhouse.com)rnsimply proclaims:rnW’c will sliow you the unspeakablern[sic] horrif’ing events that havernbrought human torture to...


Letter From Minnesota

CORRESPONDENCErnLetter FromrnMinnesotarnby Mark FellowsrnA Winter’s TalernThe funeral home looked better on thernoutside. The solid, dignified impressionrngiven by the white pillars standing guardrnoutside the large double doors disappearedrnwhen you stepped inside andrnwalked on old carpeting into a dimly litrnroom with dark wood paneling. Acrossrnthe room were a pair of lime-green armchairsrnembosse^l with tarnished silverrnstuds. One of...


Letter From Rome

Charles, and we both prayed, and he acceptedrnJesus as his personal savior.” Hernadded quietly, “It was the kind of meetingrnI dream about.”rnWe watched the coffin descend intornthe dark hole, slowly and very quietly.rnThe traffic continued to zoom by. Thernundertaker shook our hands and left,rnleaving his assistant to complete the burial.rnBrace made a joke about his...


Letter From Texas

entirely. So, as I turned the last page ofrnthe book, I resolved then and there tornmake a roughly planned pilgrimage tornRome and Assisi, flying to Italy and walkingrnas far as time allowed on the pathsrnthat had been trodden by St. Francis. Irnwould leave it to Providence to look afterrnall the details and to make sure...


Letter From Inner Israel

Kid/Brushy Bill talkfest. My father-inlaw,rnhowever, insists that Pat Garret sentrnThe Kid to a Wild West version of Valhallarnway back when. Personally, I favorrnthe Brushy Bill story, having learnedrnfrom John Ford that it’s better to print thernlegend. Ann says her father witnessedrnBrushy Bill’s passing (he apparently diedrnof a heart attack on a Hico street). It’s arnstory...


Letter From Baltimore

Absent such reliable records of whatrnhappened, how are we to know what didrnnot happen? Much that archeology saysrnabout the written account represents arnmassive argument from silence. ThernTorah camp responds out of the Talmud:rn”Ln raiti, lo zu raiyah” (‘”I saw nothing’ isrnno proof). Why would a rabbi disruptrnthe social order of Ix)s Angeles Judaism atrnPassover on...


Letter From British Columbia

way back, pew by pew, collecting moneyrnand checks, and then disappearing behindrnme. When the priest raised hisrnhands and they swept back up tlie aisle tornthe altar, one of the men had the boy onrnhis hip, the plate in his other hand. Atrntlie altar, tlie toddler’s head snapped forwardrnto watch as the priest took the offering,rnlifted...


Letter From British Columbia

and refused to propose the kind of freemarketrnreforms that the overburdenedrnB.C. health-care system could benefitrnfrom, the platform that the Liberals ranrnon was essentially Thatcherite.rnThe party promised to slash incometaxrnrates, require a balanced budget, andrntake a baseball bat to the kneecaps ofrngreedy, bloated, public- and private-sectorrnunions. Government subsidies tornbusiness would be discontinued, andrnmany of the more...


Letter From British Columbia

At Last!rnA book that exposes the true cultural significance of the Clinton presidencyrnThe Nonpatriotic President: A Survey of the CAinton Yearsrnby Janet Scott BarlowrnWhitewater . . . Filegate . . . Monica LewinskyrnThe scandals are only the beginningrnIf you think that Bill Clinton’s influence will end when hernleaves office, you need to read this book....


The American Interest

The American InterestrnMemorandum tornPresident George W. BushrnIn the aftermath of September 11, yournhave done a reasonably good job managingrnthe crisis, symbolizing the nation’srnunity, restraining the laptop bombardiers,rnand preparing a military response that wasrnneitlier hasty nor disproportionate. Nowrnthat two months have passed, you havernmore time to reflect on the long-term significancernof that event and to draw...


The Deserted Mall

could be activated on a freighter sailingrnunder the Verazzano or the Golden GaternBridge. Missile defense will cost trillionsrnof dollars that could be more usefully deplorncd in making America’s frontiers,rncoasts and ports of entr’ impenetrable tornall illegal entrants, regardless of race,rncreed, or national origin.rnReform the “intelligence communih.”rnIt has failed niiserabh’, because it isrnsimph’ not designed to...