
Christianity: Happy Holidays? Bah! Humbug!

VITAL SIGNSrnCHRISTIANITYrnHappy Holidays?rnBah! Humbug!rnby Tom PiatakrnI n 1938, Whittakcr Chambers brokernwith the Communist Partw hi Witness,rnChambers describes his Christmasrnthat year as one of great joy, in which hernfirst told his children the Christmas story,rnshared with them the Christmas ornamentsrnthat had decorated his childhoodrnChristmas trees, and enjoyed the Christmasrncarols his daughter was then learning.rnAt first glance,...


Christianity: Happy Holidays? Bah! Humbug!

pated in his elementan’ school’s “hohdayrnconcert.” h: his school system, the greatrnmajorih’ of students are white and Christian,rnet onK’ two Christmas carols werernsung, and one of them was “Feliz Navidad.”rnThis small concession to Christmasrnwas more than outweighed by therntwo Kwanza songs, the two f^anukkahrnsongs, the Ramadan song, and the ChinesernNew Year song the children alsornperformed....


Foreign Affairs: Who Needs Islamic Fundamentalism?

And with true love and brotherhood,rnEach other now embrace.rnThis holy tide of Christmas,rnAll others doth deface.rnO tidings of comfort and joy.rnComfort and joy.rnO tidings of comfort and joy.rnTom Piatak writes from Cleveland, Ohio.rnFOREIGN AFFAIRSrnWho Needs IslamicrnFundamentalism?rnby Andrei ISavrozovrnAfter almost a century of dealing withrninternational terrorism—since communism,rnin practice as well as in theory,rnis hardly anything more...


Foreign Affairs: Who Needs Islamic Fundamentalism?

then it was too late for Britain’s heroicrn”bastards” to fight against European unificationrnin any but the fimited way theyrnhad chosen.rnIt always pays, therefore, to look at thernlarger picture. I would argue that therngeopolifical history of the last century—rnin the course of which totalitarianismrnemerged, developed, and evolved to becomernthe ineluctable lot of mankind thatrnit is today—may...


Foreign Affairs: Who Needs Islamic Fundamentalism?

—states working as the launching pads ofrnterrorism against the West—had to bernmade real. Here, a few facts may be adduced.rnDuring the single year precedingrnPutin’s election in the spring of 2000,rnMoscow’s known sales of military hardwarernto Baghdad had already run into thernhundreds of millions of dollars; yet, in thernspring of 2001, to accelerate and directrnthese acquisitions,...


Guns: Gianna, Get Your Gun

same signature” as the World Trade Centerrnbombing. Indeed, they do.rnI concKide with the words of a veteranrnpolihcal observer, John Keegan (defenserneditor of tlie Daily Telegraph, writing inrnthat newspaper on September 14):rnThere are two reasons why PresidentrnPutin might help. The first isrnthat Russia is also plagued by thernmenace of Islamic terrorism that,rnin Chechnya, has inflicted humiliationrnon...


Guns: Gianna, Get Your Gun

gradually made even more stringent. Inrnresponse to communist terrorism in thern1970’s, a variety of laws were passed torndisarm law-abiding people. More recentrnamendments have forced those desiring arnfirearms permit to demonstrate a “necessity”rnand to give the government extremelyrnpersonal information, such asrnmedical certificates.rnIn the United States, at the annualrnGun Rights Policy Conference (run byrnthe Second Amendment Foundation),rndelegates...


In the Dark

In The Darkrnby George McCartneyrnSomething BothrnBrighter and DarkerrnI went to see director Scott Hicks’ Heartsrnin Atlantis not having read the StephenrnKing novel on which it is based. The UttlernI knew of King’s other fiction was notrnencouraging. I expected another excursionrninto bump-in-the-night territory—rnnot my favorite place to visit. To my surprise,rnthe film turned out to be...


In the Dark

ably for his psychic powers. (Tliat’s lowrnin the Dickensian sense, he explains.) hirnthe novel, these pursuers have a provenancernin the standard science-fictionrnconceit of a parallel universe. Tliey standrnfor bullying forces of all sorts, powerrnabusers—official or freelance—who takernfor granted that they have tlie right to imposerntheir will on others. Here, the filmrndeviates tendentiously and irresponsiblyrnfrom the...


The Hundredth Meridian

The Hundredth Meridianrnby Chilton Williamson, Jr.rnGreen Hills of Grayest SandrnOld Jules is more than tlie title of a bookrnby Mari Sandoz it is the name of one ofrntlie monsters of American letters: the SimonrnLegree of the pioneer honsehoklrnwho, married four times, drove one wifernto the insane asylum and struck thernfourth in the face with a...


The Hundredth Meridian

Victoria as well as with her older sister,rnmarried Maggie after she informed himrnshe was pregnant. When in due time herndiscovered the lie, he looked up Victoria,rnwhom Maggie had scared into keepingrnher mouth shut about her own pregnancy.rnBy now, Victoria had produced Ed’srnchild; two years later, she poisoned herselfrnwith strychnine and died, aged 19.rnToday, the Staskiewiczs...


The Hundredth Meridian

AmericanrnY O U R W I N D O W ON T H E F U T U R Ern•”Mm* •*»•««„.,rnAmerican. American Outlook, a bimonthly magazine of the world’srnbest writing on the future, examines the ideas, people,rntrends, and technologies at work shaping the future today.rnAmerican Outlool< is realistic and optimistic,rnbelieving that any problems human beings...


The Hundredth Meridian

TOSCANA-LAND OF THErnREAL MULTICULTURALISTSrnThe Rockford InstituternpresentsrnAn International ConviviumrnJoinrnThomas Fleming, Scott P. Richert,rnAndrei Navrozov, and Christopher CheekrnFor an International Conviviumrn’Tuscany: The Cultural Free Market’rnMarch 11-20,2002rnPisa, Siena, Florence, LuccarnWhere is the flame of civihzation tended? hi the massive furnaces of empire? Or in the hearths of smallrncommunities? Wliether in ancient Greece, the Roman Republic, or the colonies...


Polemics & Exchanges

I’.niTOKrnThomas Flemingrni’;xK(:ii’i’i’i’: KI:)IT()RrnScoff P. RichcrtrnSl’.KlORVmmR. BOOKSrnChilton Williamson, jr.rnASSISTANT i;niroRrnAaron D. WolfrnAR’iniRKOlORrnU. WardSterettrnDKSIO.M’-RrnMelanie Andersonrncoi’RiBi’Tio i:nn()RSrnKatherine Dakon. Samuel Francis.rnGeorge Garrett. Paul Gottfried.rnPhilip Jenkins. j.C). ‘Fate, MichaelrnWasnhiirn. Clyde Wilsonrnc:oRRi;si’OM)iN(; i<:ni’i’ORsrnJanet Scott Barlow. Bill Kauffman.rnDonald Livingston, Roger f).rnMcCrath. William Milk. WilliamrnMiirchison. Andrei Navrozor.rnJacob NeusnerrnI’liAi i”.nir()RrnGeorge McCartneyrnl’OKI’,IC;-AKI’AIRS i;nilORrnSrdja Frijlmxicrnl,KOAl,-AMvIRS KDITORrnStephen B. PresserrnRia.lOKAN Ki:)|TORrnHarold O.j. BrownrnCIRCl’IAI’ION MANAOh.RrnCindy I.inkrnI’UBIJSllI’.RrnFhe Roekford InstituternA publiL-.liidii...


Polemics & Exchanges

As a World War II buff who has earned arnmental and emotional Pnrple Heart b’rnsuffering througli Disne “s Pearl Harbor,rnI am disappointed h’ Oeorge McCartnern’s insubstantial re’ie\ of this einematierntraest.rnDr. ilcCartne stumbles oer faets ofrnw hieh een the l^isne’ Studio was aw are:rnviz., that no American carriers were presentrnat Pearl Harbor during the raidrn(whereas Dr....


Cultural Revolutions

CULTURAL REVOLUTIONSrnT E R R O R I S T AITACKS in New YorkrnCit- and Washington, D.C., hae focusedrnthe attention of nian on the dangersrnof miHtant Lslam. Bnt as nsnal, onrrnacnons talking heads and eHtes arc oxerlookingrndie two most important aspects ofrndie attack: die rc ial of die eentnrics-oklrn iolent conflict betw ecu Islam and...


Cultural Revolutions

more has been heard about the need forrnwarrants. The logie is sini]3le: Would anrninternet seriee pro”ider Hke it to bernknown tiiat it had delaed or ()l:)struetedrnthe VV>1 in a quest for information thatrnmight hae ])reented more airliners fromrnbeing hijaeked, more buildings from beingrnblown up? The c|uestion is absurd:rnC’arui()re is here to sta.rnBut this is not...


Cultural Revolutions

American project; because the’ want tornbe just like us; because they w ant to he us.rnAs Heniingva would hac said, “Isn’trnit prett’ to tbink so.” Since Septemberrn11, few Americans can be tliinking prettilyrn—except niavbe John Miller, NationalrnReview’s resident immigration enthusiastrnand chief assimilation strategist. And —rnwho knows?—perhaps not e’en he. imericanrnjournalists, like Americans general-rnK’, hac to...


Cultural Revolutions

-Srdja lufkovicrnbKN. JESSK HELMS’ aimounccmciitrnin August of his rctircnicut at tlie cud ofrnhis current term was an o|3portnnit torrnitu|5eration on the part of the left-wingrnnietha that has so detested the NorthrnC’arohna consenatixe througliont his entirernsO-ear political career. “It is al\a”srnteniphng,” moaned the New York Timefirnlead editorial the da after Mr. Helms’rnannouneenicnt, “when old warriors retire,rnto...


Redeeming the Time

PERSPECTIVErnRedeeming the Timernby Thomas FlemingrnHie Davs are EvilrnThe human universe, we arc told b optimists on the editorialrnpages, is contrachng into a gra and insipid doughhall,rnpasted over with brighri’ colored labels adcrhsing the onl ethnicrnrialrics that persist: the struggles between Nissan andrnDaimler, Pizza Hnt and Taeo Bell. llnfortnnateK’, there arernpeople around the world who do...


Redeeming the Time

and made mone’, to the bourgeois values of the GOP.rnBoth strategics were successful, to the point of stalemate, untilrnFranklin Roosexelt made the big breakthrough of co-ophngrnblacks b- promising—and delivering—more goodies than thernRepublicans had done in over 50 ears. This naturalK’ introducedrna strain into the Southern tier of the Democrac}’, but sornlong as white polihcians maintained...


In Saqqara

In Saqqararnhy Catharine Savage BrosmanrnHe felt the threads of faith unraveling—rnhis mind a wilderness, his bones a bitrnof mineral—and all his body shookrnas if possessed. He took the alphabet,rnundid it, twisted it into a code,rnand wrote in cryptic letters on the stone:rn”Now in the name of God before all things,rnremember mc, the poor and humble...


Sins of Omission

Sins of Omissionrnby Roger D. McGrathrnSlavery’s Inconvenient Factsrn1 learned firsthand how distnrhing faetsrneonld he when teaehing a U.S. historyrneonrse at UCTA in 1987. One of mvrnteaehing assistants, a politieallv eorreetrn()nng woman, beeanie tcrrihK’ upset afterrnlistening to m leetme on slaer.rn”I le shouldn’t be sa ing sueh things!” shernexelainied to another teaehing a,ssi,stant.rnWhen asked b’ the...


The Third Compartment

VIEWSrnThe Third CompartmentrnImmigration and the American Fitnrernby Chilton Williamson, Jr.rn”Truths would you teach, or save a sinking land?rnAll fear, none aid you, and few understand.”rn—Alexander Pope, “An Essay on Man”rnAlthough the raw figures from Census 2000 have l:)eeu inrnthe pubHe domain for nronths aheadv, the Ameriean pubhe’srnresponse to the latest deeennial surve is shll not...


The Third Compartment

than the suicidal ones it presently finds no incenti e to enforce.rnOf course, the extinedon of an alread’ self-castrated, self-lohotonii/rncd, and self-discniboweled OOP is h no means thernworst imaginable disaster to befall the countrs in the minds ofrnskeptics and dissenters from the globalist ordiodox who wonderrnwhether the eharacteristicalh Western enthusiasm forrnother races, cultures, and ei...


The Third Compartment

end of tlie Civil War; recently, political correctness—reinforcedrnb- poor education, intellectual sloth, religious unbelief and materialrnsurfeit—has greatlv increased their reluctance to dissentrnfrom whatever point of icw rcjiresents the official consensus. Illegalrninvaders could be rounded u]3 b the police and throw n outrnof the countn,, but such “conservatix’cs” as Michael Meded considerrnthis solution “fascishc,” and there...


A New Agenda

i^fA NEWrnAGENDA!rnWm :W.rnx^iTj^f. ^- /%rnShoot the LosersrnImmigration and the End of Constitutional Governmentrnby Samuel FrancisrnT lie noNclist Â¥. Rcicl Biicklc’ once told a ston’ about a Mexicanrnwoman w ho w orkecl for his femiK- as a maid or nanm’ dnringrnthe 19^()’s. The woman knew that Bnckle’s fatlier, William F.rnBuekle, Sr., w as a strong opponent...


California, Here We Come

California, Here We ComernKat}’, Bar the Doorrnby Roger D. McGrathrnIt lias happened. Whites hac heeii redueed to a miiioritv inrnCahfornia. By whites, I mean, of eourse, “non-His|3anicrnwhites,” beeanse most of the iUegal ahens nho have pouredrnaeross the border from Mexieo during the last 30 ears tornchange dramaticalK the eomposihon of California’s popnlahonrnare mestizo, a mixture...


California, Here We Come

lost ncarl- a thousand l)lack residents during the last decadernwhile gaining 3(),()()() Mexieans. “It’s weird,” said Douglas C-ottou,rna horn-and-bred Oxnard resident who nioed to Dallas inrn1996. “I was back in Oxnard for ‘rhanksgiing, and I didn’t seernanb()d I grew up witli.”rnBeeanse of the Hispanicization of blaek neighborhoods,rnblack political clotil has declined precipitoiish since peakingrnduring the...


California, Here We Come

drcn eacli. The rate is quite remarkalile, espeeialh wlien wernconsider that Mormon women in Utah hae sHglitK’ fewer thanrnthree children each. Cahfornia’s schools reflect these hirthratcs.rnThe Los Angeles Unified School District (TAUSD),rnwhich was nearl 70 percent white as recenth’ as the carl-rn1970’s, is now 71 percent Lahno and onh 9.9 percent white.rnThe schools of the...


Something Is Missing

REVIEWSrnSomething Is Missingrnby Paul Gottfriedrn”If anyone wish to migrate to another village, and if one or more who live in that village do notrnwish to receive him, if there he only one who objects he shall not move there.”rn-The Salic Law, c. 490rnThe New Americans:rnHow the Melting Pot Can Work Againrnhy Michael BamnernWashington, D.C: Regnen’;rn33H...


Something Is Missing

ethnic regimes hae existed in tlic pnstrnbnt have usually begun as, or turned into,rnempires. Republics, b contrast, have requiredrna higher degree of cohesion to allowrnfor effcchve self-rule, hi such politics,rnpeople must command themseKcsrnas an extended commnnitv rather thanrntake orders from an emperor or from publicrnadministrators. While a sophisticatedrnawareness of the distinction may haverneluded WASP elites,...


Operation Futility

Operation Futilityrnby Jonathan EllisrnKilling Pablo: The Hunt for thernWorld’s Greatest Outlawrnby Mark BowdenrnNew York: The Atlantic Monthlr Press;rn2%pp.,$2S.OOrnMark Bowdcii was interviewing arnretired U.S. military offieer for hisrnbook Black Hawk Down when a framedrnphotograpli eauglit his ee. In it, a gronprnof jnbilant sokliers posed around therncorpse of a hloodv, fat man. Curious,rnBowden asked about the picture....


Cast-Iron Man

ficially, Colombian police killed Escobar.rnBut tliere will always be questionsrnabout who was or wasn’t there on that finalrnday. ,’ceording to Bowden, some onrnhand say U.S. Delta 1^’orce operativesrnw ere at the scene; odiers sav it was simplyrna Colombian operation. U.S. SpecialrnForces had spent months training Colombia’srnpolice in the techniques of manhunting.rnFor them, Escobar’s demisernmeant success....


Cast-Iron Man

ou li’e.rnCalhoun found a lack of restraint inrnarious places, but nowhere more than inrnthe demagogic st)’lc of politics popular inrnniid-19th-centur’Aiuerica, as polihciansrnencouraged Americans to sacrifice theirrnpersonal and communal interests to anrnabstract union and abstract rights. Calhounrndeplored the prospect of the UnitedrnStates becoming an undifferenriatedrnmass or a nation composed of millions ofrnself-contained individuals. Both extremes,rnhe thought,...


Sheep in Sheep’s Clothing

of which u ere national poHtical parties.rnBeeansc American parties are alwaysrncoalitions, obtaining national politicalrnpower rec|uires enlarging the issues overrnwhich the parties fight, histead of pushingrnpolideal discourse downward, partiesrnmove issues up to the uncontrollablernstage of national polities. Calhoun’s associatesrnin the Southern states’-rights mocnicntrnfell into a similar trap. Whilernclaiming the United States was a compilationrnof many communities...


The Boys in the Back Room

American people — to answer this qnestion.rnDraw ing npon classical republicanrnw isdoni, he offers a rep] that is as prudentrnin counsel as it is disturbing in diagnosis:rnC)ul- when the boch’ of the peoplernas a w hole has awakened to tlic full extentrnof die usurpations and injustices perpetratedrnamong them does armed resistancernbecome an thing more than...


A Life in Sketches

cies created vulgarity and the moronicrnmind that accepts it? To merntelevision is just one more facet ofrnthat considerable segment of ourrncivilizahon that never had any standardrnbut the soft buck [Novemberrn22, 1950].rnRight. And as long as Raymond Chandlerrnmakes with what he called the “magic”rnand the “music,” he will alwas havernan audience. Chandler respected whatrnHammett had accomplished...


Letter From Rockford

Letter From Rockfordrnhy Scott P. RichertrnJust Another Tequila SunrisernIt ina’ be several years before the resultsrnof Census 2000 are available in anv usablernfonn, but certain trends hae alreadyrnbegun to emerge from the raw data.rnMost siguificanth’, as Chilton Williamson,rnJr., and Roger MeGrath have pointedrnout earlier in this issue, the Hispaniernpopulation in the United States continuesrnto grow...


Letter From Indonesia

CORRESPONDENCErnLetter FromrnIndonesiarnby Doug BandowrnModern Religious WarsrnThe weathered boatman peered out atrnthe three Westerners as we ehmbcd intorna small water taxi to cross the bay fromrnthe cit}’ of Ambon to the airport. “You’rernfrom America? Send us arms. The Mu,slimsrnarc bad.” He used his hands to indicaterna rifle as we pulled away from shore.rnAmbon, the provincial capital...


Letter From Indonesia

Laskar Jihad is one of the most importantrnstumbling l^locks. ” Thex arc still around,rnbut how man, where the arc, vc don’trnknow,” sas Boehm.rnThc- were likel’ inol’ed in an attackrnin late Februar- on the western part ofrnthe island of Seram, in which a Christianrnillage was sacked for the third time.rn”There was hardiv anthing left to bernbnnied,...


Letter From Louisiana

Letter FromrnLouisianarnby Chris SegurarnThe Peculiar InstitutionrnA selective!}’ historical motion picturernabout a 19th-centur- rebellion aboard arncruel Spanish slave ship rakes in megabucksrnas a result of media hype, includingrnthe notation that white production assistantsrnwere forbidden to put Hie stagechainsrnon the black actors aboard thernreplica vessel. No one mentioned thatrnthe original chains were first put aroundrnblack ankles and...


Letter From Louisiana

speak F’rench. “Creole” is also used torndefine the dialect of French spoken bvrnblacks as opposed to that eniploed byrnCajuns.rnSt. Ahirtinille was established as arnuiilitar- garrison named Poste des Atakajjas,rnerected as protection against a nowextinctrntribe of natixe cannibals in 1714,rnfour ears before the foiniding of NewrnOrleans b Jean Baptiste LeMcnne, sieurrnde Bien”ille. it was Bienville whornbrought...


Letter From Palermo

their activih- was the result of forcesrnpresent before the Civil War andrnthe socioeconomic and politicalrnchanges wrought h)- the war [widespreadrnstarvation I.rnAs the 1859-60 vigilante campaignsrnof terror and violencernagainst free people of color in St.rnLandrv’ Parish and in the Attakapasrnregion indicated, the ‘igilante-anhvigilanternstrngglc had evolved (b’rnthe early postbelkim period) from arncrusade for law and order into...


Letter From Palermo

from his garden. If it is churlish not k)rngi(.’ credit wliere credit’s due, all thoserngruesome multiple-choice, iutclligeneequotient,rnstandard-aptitude riddles thernAuierieaus are brought up on, and trainedrnto soke from kindergarten to grave, mayrnwell appear in a somewhat less sinisterrnlight.rnB’ contrast, in Italv—and Sicih’, mindrnou. is praetiealh’ in North Mrica —categoricalrnratiocinahon is like a faint echo ofrnsomething that...


Signs of the Times

The U.N.-sponsored World ConferencernAgainst Racism, Racial Discrimination,rnXenophobia, and Related hitolcrance inrnDurban, South Africa, turned out to bernever)’ bit as odious as its name promised.rnIt frirnished an occasion for the talkingrnheads, otherwise-unemployable NGOrnapparatchiks, and sanctimonious windbagsrnaround the globe to do their tiling,rnand —in parhciilar—to agonize over therndeparture of the American delegation becausernof a declaration accusing Israel...


Signs of the Times

Mexico’s I’rcsident Vicente Fox when herncame to Washington on September 5.rnHis American snpporters, eer concernedrnahont the “safetv” of illegals asrnthe sneak across die border, do not knowrn—or perhaps do not want it known—thatrn1^’ox has initiated a “Southern Plan,” usingrnmass deportaHons and a stepped-uprnmilitar’ presence in anti-immigrant operahonsrnto choke off tlie flow of CentralrnAmericans crossing into...


Film: The Time of Our People

VITAL SIGNSrnThe Time ofrnOur Peoplernby H.A. Scott TrashrnGeronimo: An American LegendrnProduced by Walter Hdl, Neil Canton,rnand Columbia PicturesrnDirected by Walter HillrnPhotography by Lloyd AhemrnScreenplay by ]ohn Miliusrnand Larry GrossrnIf vou are a lover of film but ha’e neverrnseen Geronimo: An American Legendrn(1993), you are missing not only one ofrnthe best Westerns ever made but a...


Film: The Time of Our People

tcniptu()iisl and tells him to “ciuit cr-rning; he’s gonna kill ou an\a.” Hernthen clefiantK rehnkcs C’,eronimo: “Wernmake things ont ot this conntn. Therernwas not hill’ here before ns, and therernwonld neer ])e nothin’ if we left it torn()u!” The Indians at onee enfilade thernentire group, exee[)t for the defiant miner,rnto whom CTeronimo replies: ‘”^ou arerndfooll...


Society: Hell Is Other People

went to Texas, got into a littlernscrape with the law. Came clownrnhere, got a new name, new start,rnwife, f;imily; bnt in my heart, I’mrnstill a Tennessee man.rnLike the Apache, Sonthcrners are a noblernbut defeated people who nnist find arnplace in the new order. Gatcwood choosesrnto sen e the new flag, while refusing tornabandon his integrih-...