
Society: Hell Is Other People

u itli touching details and “mental-healthrnexpert” quotes. As moralih tales for thernmodern epidemic of mental disordersrnand luihappiness, these articles plav anrnimportant role in tlie medicalization ofrnmiscn, legitimizing a eritable drug warrnagainst the popidation. The old bruteforcernforms of soma also “work” —heroinrnnumbs the hopeless, marijuana pacifiesrnthe agitated, cocaine elates the jaded,rnamphetamines gie an edge to the...


Society: Hell Is Other People

In the econoiiu’of hiinian li;i]3pine,ssrnat present, tlic scarcest conimoditA of allrnis wliat ])schologists call “]50sitic socialrnfeedback.” Reduced to its correlatedrnbrain clieniical, serotonin, the self-esteemrnand sense of well-being engenderedrnb-posiHc social feedback can be niimiekcdrnby SSRIs such as Prozac and its progcn-.rnEer lonclv, unhapp, dcniorali/rncd soul can finalh’ adapt and cope,rnblisscd out on a custonii/ed chemicalrncocktail. As...


Religions: Gods of Inclusion

emotions Da itl is progvaninicd to feel?rnSo goes the recliictio ad ahsurdum. ‘I’liernpoint is that android “emotion” realK isrnredneible to w iriiig, hnt that of hnnians isrnnot. It makes a great diffcrenee whellierrnthe “]5rogramming” is done h Cod or hrnI Ms ereahire, man.rnOnK the human taetor adds “aiue,’rnand onl human hfe has moral signifieanee.rnI’he eeonomie...


Religions: Gods of Inclusion

participation in this church. IrnuoLild do nothing to cause you tornthink for a moment that voi arcrnnot loved or appreciated.rn”To my Christian friends,” Micklerrnadded, “I remind you of the words ofrnJohn Wesley. Wlien he sent the Methodistrnministers to America he said simply,rn’Preach Christ.’ Political correctness wasrnnot in his vocabulary.”rnMeanwhile, with the support of the localrnUnited...


In the Dark

In The Darkrnby George McCartneyrnA Voice in the Darknessrn1 \as finishing the original draft of thisrncolumn carh on the morning of Septemberrn1 1 when 1 receied the news. Mrnwife called me from the grammar schoolrnw here she teaches near orn’ home onrnLong Island. “Something awfnl,” shernsaid c|uieri and then told me of the terroristrnattacks on...



John Milius, liac forced us to confrontrnsome uncomfortable issues concerningrnour rcsolxc in combat. W’atcbing thisrnfihii in the afterniatli ot the attack onrn c w York and Washington should makernAmericans squirm, \liateer else it failsrnto do, it refuses to let us off an exceedine-rn_ -‘rn1 painful moral hook.rnAs his biblical htlc indicates, Copjjolarnwanted nothing less than...



AmericanrnAmerican Outlook, a bimonthly magazine of tlie world’srnbest writing on the future, examines the ideas, people,rntrends, and technologies at work shaping the future today.rnAmerican Outlook is realistic and optimistic,rnbelieving that any problems human beings can create,rnpeople can solve.rnIn this bimonthly issue:rnThe Anglosphere:rnOne culture may be uniquely suited to succeed in arnworld without borders.rnCulture and the...



c77ic^^/o/i/f ^/ia/n/o//)/f OYfi/f (y()/}fc^’ /o fAocA/o/n/rn2001: the 225thrnanniversary ofrnthe AmericanrnRevolution and thern25th anniversaryrnof Chronicles andrnThe RoclcfordrnInstitute.rn. Add to Favorites


Polemics & Exchanges

EDITORrnThomas FlemingrnEXECUTIVE EDITORrnScott P. RichertrnSENIOR EDI’I OR, BOOKSrnChilton Williamson, ]r.rnASSISTANT EDI TORrnAaron D. WolfrnARE DIRECTORrnH. Ward SterettrnDESICNERrnMelanie AndersonrnCONTRIBUTING EDITORSrnKatherine Dalton, Samuel Francis,rnGeorge Garrett, Paul Gottfried,rnPhilip Jenkins, /.O. Tate, MichaelrnWashburn, Clyde WilsonrnCORRESPONDING EDITORSrn]anet Scott Barlow, Bill Kauffman,rnDonald Livingston, William Mills,rnWilliam Murchison, AndreirnNavrozov, Jacob NeusnerrnEILM EDITORrnGeorge McCartneyrnFOREIGN-AFEAIRS EDITORrnSrdja TrifkovicrnI ,h:GAE-AEEAIRS EDITORrnStephen B. PresserrnRELIGION EDITORrnHarold O.J. BrownrnCIRCUEATION MANAGERrnCindy...


Polemics & Exchanges

ner prescribed in the seventh article ofrntlie Constitution, nor adopted as anrnamendment, as prescribed b the fifth article.rnBut, without the l^eclaration, thernConstitution would be nothing but an interestingrndocument.rnHie Constitution presupposes the pronouncementsrnof the Declaration, which,rntherefore, is like a preamble that may berncalled in aid of construction. The Constitutionrnpresupposes the 13 free and inde])rnendcnt states mentioned...


Cultural Revolutions

CULTURAL REVOLUTIONSrnG E O R G E H. RYAN, Illinois’ Republicanrngovernor and bona fide “compassionaternconservative,” has borrowed onernfrom the Clinton playbook: I le seems tornthink that a vast right-wing conspiracy hasrnbeen out to get him since he took office,rnforcing him to decline to run for a secondrnterm. The real reason, of course, is t h...


Cultural Revolutions

out minorities, because gangs are mostlyrnmade up of blacks and Latinos. Thatrndoesn’t quite jibe with his campaignrnstatement that he would “put the prioritiesrnof law-abiding people ahead of hoodlums.”rnOf course, by “hoodhuns,” hernmeant white suburbanites.rnThe absurdih’ of George Ryan’s careerrnas a one-term governor in the Land ofrnLincoln is undeniable. The real questionrnthat remains is: Have conservativesrnlearned...


Cultural Revolutions

from the ABM treaty. This is hkeh’ tornhappen soon, paving the way for an aggressivernantiballistic test schedule in thernspring of 2002, In short, as one Washingtonrnsource put it, “we are on automaticrnpilot, and there’s nothing, nothing, thernRussians can do about it.”rnSuch neoconservative triumphalism—rnsaid to be particularly rampant in Rumsfeld’srnown department, where Paul Wolfowitzrnserves as his...


Cultural Revolutions

illegal eniploment demeans them asrnhuman beings and makes a mockery ofrnthe rule of law.”rnAccordingh’, Gramm wants Congressrnto set up a guest-worker program, underrnwhich illegals would receive I.D. cards, arnone-ear work permit, and coverage underrnU.S. wage-and-hour laws, with 15.3rnpercent of their wages set aside for eachrnworker in an interest-bearing account.rnFox appro’es—a good start.rnA program like this,...


“It Ain’t Me”

PERSPECTIVErna It Ain’t Me ?7rnby Thomas FlemingrnAmerica’s Fortunate SonsrnGeorge W. Bush conies as close as anyone to representingrnthe current American aristocracy. It is not that the Bushesrnare old family or even old money. The family fortunes arernusually traced back to great-grandfather Samuel Bush, a middleweightrnrailroad magnate in Columbus, Ohio. Samuel’s sonrnPrescott raised the fismily to...


“It Ain’t Me”

Iieroism is the reason,” explains one of Achilles’ opponents,rn”that the princes are first served at banc[riets.” Goodness was alsorna class distinction (as at Rome), and the agathoi and the aristoirn(like Cicero’s honi) were members of the hereditary nobilit)-,rn’I’he crustv reactionar’ Theognis complained that virtue wasrncontaminated when good men, who had fallen on hard times,rnmarried the...



Dougrnby Bruce GuernseyrnWhen my father came liome from the warrntwo years after I was bornrnI couldn’t match his voice with his picturernand cried each time he came near.rnLearning to talk, I called him, “Doug,”rnthe way my mother did,rnthis strange man who tried so hard to hold me —rnhow could he be my Dad?rnMy father was...


The Bare Bodkin

The Bare Bodkinrnby joe SobranrnAbe-WorshiprnAt the end of the recent remake oi Planetrnof the Apes —[um the page now if ‘ou stillrnplan to see it—the hero escapes from saidrnplanet and its monstrous chimp-tyrant,rnC^,eneral Thade. Returning to Earth atrnnight, his spacecraft crashes in, of allrnplaces, the Reflecting Pool at the WashingtonrnMall, and he solemnly marchesrnup the...


The Bare Bodkin

large part because they are about memoryrnitself: “Tbc mystic chords of memoryrn. .. The world will little note, nor long rememberrn. . . My fellow citizens, we cannotrnescape history. We of this Congressrnand this administrahon will be rememberedrnin spite of ourselves. . . The worldrnwill not forget…”rnBut Lincoln had haunting memoriesrncloser to home, which he...


Nobody but the People

VIEWSrnNobody but the Peoplernby Samuel FrancisrnIn the “Prologue” to his massive biography of Sen. Joe Mc-rnCarth’, historian Thomas Reeves describes a scene that tookrnplace in Milwaukee, in the senator’s home state, in November,rn1954, onlv a month before his colleagues voted to condemnrnhim and thereby effectively to terminate his career. The scenernwas a mass eelebrahon of...


Nobody but the People

thinkers of the 1950’s Old Right, WiUmoore Kendall was perhapsrnthe most noted for his endorsement of a kind ot conservativernpopulism that saw the emhodiment of public virtue in thernpeople rather than in the largely imaginar’ aristocracies of contemporaryrnEurope and New England. It was the pseudoconservativernpolitical nincompoop Peter Viereck who actuallvrnthought Adlai Stevenson was a modern-da...


Nobody but the People

Since tlie- are seeming])- wedded to the support of elitism in allrncircumstances, what are they to do about a left-wing elite? Thernmonstrosih, conceptual as well as political and practical, mayrngo tar to explain the ntter irrelevance of conentional conservatirne thonglit to the crisis of American and Western socich- thatrnthe managerial reolution represents.rnDespite the conxentional depiction...


No More Nonsense About Elites

No More Nonsense About Elitesrnby Claes G. RynrnAfisli starts rotting from the head, it is said. That a societ}’rnstarts rotting from its head needs to be much better understood.rnBlaming the dechne of Western societv on a “re’olt ofrnthe masses” absolves elites, who must bear the brunt of thernblame. Catering to popular tastes is not the...


No More Nonsense About Elites

Wins of their elites. For a while, they may loudly protest departuresrnfrom inherited beliefs; in the long run, however, they willrnfollow societs”s trendsetters, whose attitudes will be transmittedrnthrough their ehurches, sehools, colleges, music, newspapers,rnand TV programs. I’radihon cannot defend itself v ithout itsrnown strong and sophisticated elites, and the deterioration of traditionrnwill soon weaken and...


Night Patrol

emptying societ}’ of what makes it eivilized. For example, for allrnto start from scratch, there would have to be no inheritance.rnWas it concern about equalih’ of opportunit)’ that once gavernthe United States the most confiscator)’ estate taxes in the Westernrnworld? Or were those taxes inspired by the related presnmphonrnthat self-made men are especially admirable and...


An Aristocracy of Warriors

An Aristocracy of Warriorsrnby Roger D. McGrathrnI n liis seminal work. Democracy in America, Alexis de Toct|rnueville noted that the nobilit)’ of medieval Europe reckonedrnmartial valor to be the greatest of all the virtues. The feudal aristocracv,rnhe said, “was born of war and for war; it won its power byrnforce of arms and maintained it...


An Aristocracy of Warriors

Indian wars and die American Revolntion.rnIn 1788, after studing law and being admitted to the bar,rnJackson was appointed the pnblic prosecutor for the “westernrndistrict of North Carolina,” a region that would shortly tiecomcrnthe state of Tennessee. The area was still a wild frontier, andrnJackson did more hidian fighhng than prosecuting. The hidiansrnwere allied witli various...


An Aristocracy of Warriors

for gallantPf- at the Battle of Antietam, was commissioned a secondrnlientenant. Demonstrating exceptional leadership and valorrnin fight after fight, he was promoted to major, “If it be my lotrnto fcill,” wrote McKinley in his diary during the war, “I want tornfall at m’ post and have it said that I fell in defense of my...


Chronicles Intelligence Assessment

CHRONICLES INTELLIGENCE ASSESSMENTrnThe E.U. Charter of Fundamental Rights:rnA New Totahtarianismrnby Roberto de MatteirnThe F,.U. Charter of Fundamental Rights, approxed inrnNice on December 8, 2000, sets forth the principles uponrnwhich the future European constitution should be based.rnDrafted by a commission of experts from various countries, therndocument consists of a preamble and 54 articles. It was presentedrnto...


Chronicles Intelligence Assessment

and ])ciuilizec1. While pretending to gnarantee (false) freedoms.rnArticle 21 poses a seriovs threat to (true) freedom. Therncharter of rights, like an totalitarian regime, attempts to denyrnIreedom of c]5ressi()n.rnIf we ajjpK this egalitarian criterion to all the “cuialities” mentionedrnin Article 21 (inclnding language and being a memberrnol a national minorih), we realize that, besides the tamih’,...


As We Go Marching…

REVIEWSrnAs We Go Marchingrnby H.A. Scott Traskrn%et no one believe that children a hundred years from now in the future of Americarnwill not be sick for what our fools and unconscious criminals are doing today.”rn— Robinson JeffersrnThe New Dealers’ War: F.D.R.rnand the War Within World War IIrnby Thomas FlemingrnNewYork: Basic Books; 561 pp., $35.0(rnWho has...


As We Go Marching…

cent of the public remain steadfast inrntlieir opposition to American interventionrnin tiic European war, FDR had assuredrntliem on the ee of tlie 1940 electionrnthat “our boys are not going to be sent intornan foreign wars.” He even persuadedrnJoseph P. Kennedy, the American ambassadorrnto England and a strong anti-intcr-rnentionist, to endorse him for the presidencyrnand to...


As We Go Marching…

New Deal universally extended and applied.”rnIronieally, Wendell Willkie, Roosevelt’srnRepnblican opponent in the 1940rnpresidential eleetion, shared the messianicrnvision of the New Dealers, both atrnhome and abroad, hi his 1943 book. OnernWorld, Willkie insisted that the UnitedrnStates should use the war to imposerndemocracy and freedom on the entirernworld. According to Willkie, the Britishrnand French empires had to...


Confederate Rainbow

ConfederaternRainbowrnby Clyde WilsonrnThe Jewish Confederatesrnby Robert N. RosenrnColumbia: Universih’ of South CarolinarnPress; 517 pp., $39.95rnClear the Confederate Way: The Irishrnin the Army of Northern Virginiarnby Kelly /. O’CradyrnMason Cit, lA: Savas Publishing Co.;rn’>4S pp., $26.95rnFire and Roses: The Burning of thernCharleston Convent, 1834rnby Nancy Lusignan SchultzrnNew York: Free Press; 317 pp., $25.00rnAs we all know,...


New Skins, Old Wine

burg—I am told b a close student ot thernsubject—returned to Confederate linesrnmarked bv a multitude of black faces.rnClyde Wilson teaches history at thernUniversity of South Carolina.rnNew Skins, Old Winernby Harold O.]. BrownrnHidden Gospels: How the Searchrnfor Jesus Lost Its Wayrnby Philip JenkinsrnOxford: Oxford University Press;rn216 pp., $25.00rnFor almost 2,000 years, Christiansrnhave been confessing Jesus Christ...


The Study of Wisdom

case ma)’ be, correctie.rnHarold O.J. Brown is religion editor forrnChronicles and a professor of theologyrnand philosophy at Reformed TheologicalrnSeminary in Charlotte, North Carolina.rnOne of thernLucky Onesrnby Katherine DaltonrnString of Pearlsrnfev Priscilla BuckleyrnNew York: Thomas Dunne Books/St.rnMartm’sPress;lH3 pp., $21.95rnPriscilla Buckle) has long been wellrnknown to readers of conservativernjoiunalism. For nearly three decades,rnshe was managing editor o^...


The Study of Wisdom

Wittgenstein (who destroyed the foundationsrnof Russell’s work), has a penetratingrnintelligence and vigorous narrative st^’le.rnHe has mastered the enormous amountrnof archival material aird expertly exposesrnthe weaknesses in Russell’s fallacious arguments.rn(He misses one logical flaw,rnhowexer. Russell states: “A hen, whenrnscared by a motor-car, will rush across thernroad in order to be at home, despite thusrnrisking its life,...


Animal Farm

ally limited and morally obtuse.rnThe paperback editiom of JeffreyrnMeyers’ Orwell (Norton) and PrivilegedrnMoments: Encounters v’ith Writersrn(Wisconsin) will appear this fall.rnAnimal Farmrnby Jonathan EllisrnAlmost Heaven: Travels Throughrnthe Backwoods of Americarnby Martin FletcherrnLondon: Little, Brown and Company;rn304 pp.. $14.95rnMartin Fletcher worked seven yearsrnas a Washington, D.C., correspondentrnfor the London ‘Limes. Beforernreturning to Britain, he packed up a...


Letter From Rockford

Letter From Rockfordrnby Scott P. RichertrnThe Tower of BabblernThe first call conies late on a Fridayrnnight. “Welcome back,” says Mark Dahlgren,rnthe organist at St. Mary’s Shrine,rnwho is nine months through the one yearrnof probation he received for hugging arntree at Tom and Jan Ditzler’s farm (seern”For Keeps! A Christian Defense of Property,”rnViews, April). “You probablyrnhaven’t...


Letter From Rockford

low parishioner at St. Mar}”s Shrine andrnneighhor of the Dahlgrens), and BobrnWhalcn (an airhne pilot and eonservativernacti’ist) appear on Bowman’s show, andrnthe lines light up with angr)- callers whornsee the 30-day clause as jnst another examplernof Rockford’s backroom politics.rnChris devotes most of his radio show tornthe issne, and when he convinces TomrnPoulos (the president of...


Letter From Rome

CORRESPONDENCErnLetter From Romernby Alberto CarosarnAmerican Handgunners SeekrnVatican RecognitionrnFrom time to time, the Catholic Churchrnhas to address the thorny problemsrncaused bv those liberal faithful who challengernher principles and tenets. Muchrnmore rarely do we hear about initiativesrncoming from the other side of the spectrum,rnsince these initiatives generally dornnot pose any threat to Church doctrine,rnbut are limited to...


Letter From Wisconsin

customers in a cafeteria, including thernparents of Su/.anna Gratia Hupp. Shernowned a handgnn, whicli she had tornleave in her antomohile, because Texasrndid not pennit the carrying of concealedrnhandguns at that hme, and she contendedrnthat she could have saved her parentsrnand others had she had the handgun withrnher. Around the same time as the cafeteriarnkilling, Gov....


Letter From Corsica

for which I brought a large tub of CoolrnWhip for all to enjoy. This fall festivalrnhas become quite popular, with over 400rnguests attending, much more than the littlernchurch hall can handle all at once.rnBesides the neighbors, attendees includernsuch luminaries as former U.S. Sen. GaylordrnNelson, who is originally from nearbyrnClear Lake, and Amery Mayor andrnformer State...


Letter From Corsica

the equally mythical —or should one say,rn”mystical”? — cause of “Corsiean nationalism.”rnThere are those — such as AlainrnMadelin, a former finance minister andrnnoted “liheral” in economic matters andrnhimself of Breton origin—who argue thatrnthe Corsicans have as much right to haverntheir own “language” taught in theirrnschools as have the Basques, the Bretons,rnthe inhabitants of the Languedoe...


Letter From Corsica

lective coercion that Man had ever invented.rnThis was both a blessing and arncnrse: A blessing, since no human communityrncan possibly subsist without arncommon, collective means of communication;rna curse, since this indispensablernuniformity of speech can easily generaterna constricHng herd mentalit}’, which arn”healthy” society should be ever ready torncombat. This was what had already happenedrnduring the French...


Eisenstadt’s Kiss

ian. pA-en though Carlo Goldoni, thernmost prolific of Italian dramatists (no fewerrnthan 2 50 plays!), occasionally wrote hisrnplas in the VencHan dialect, it was forrnhim a local divertimento, no more. Mostrnof them were written in Italian, and evenrnin French—which, in 18th centun,’ Europe,rnwas regarded (rightly or wrongly) asrnthe language par excellence of polite societ’,rnand thus...


Letter From Palermo

will toss in the sponge and grant the islandrnits independence. This would constituternthe sweet, long-overdue revenge of therngenuine patriots against the pinzutti (literally,rnthe “pointed ones”), the sarcastic appellationrnapplied by the “natives” to the intrusivernFrench because of the pointedrncaps (similar to those of the Redcoats duringrnthe American War of hidependence)rnworn by King Louis XV’s soldierv’ when,rnafter...


Letter From Virginia

nonpareil ricotta fruitcake of Sicily.rnTherefore, I’m going to buy a summerrnplace here, a decision as irrevocable as itrnis closely reasoned. I have now spent arnmonth at Villa Igiea, the sister hotel ofrnthe Grand Hotel delle Palme, goingrnaround with Alfredo and his manyrnfriends, one of whom, Maglio M —, is arnformer mayor of Palermo and an...


Letter From Virginia

The problems seemed insurmountable.rnThe state debt soared toward $50rnmillion, and there was no money to payrnit. hi marched the occupation troops andrnthe carpetbaggers. Billy Mahone, a formerrnConfederate general, mastermindedrna Readjuster-Repnblican Parry, ralliedrnnative blacks, Orccnbackers, KnowrnNothings, and Readjuster Democrats tornhis side, won a seat in the U.S. Senate,rnbroke a tie by voting with the Republicans,rnswept the...


The American Interest

The American InterestrnNATO Expansion:rnHarmful and DangerousrnAfter President Bush’s meeting withrnRussian President Vladimir Putin in Italyrnin )ul’, it is almost certain that a newrnround of NATO expansion will be announeedrnat the forthcoming summit inrnP rague, rega rdless of Moscow’s misgrrnings. ‘Phe alliance will include Slovenia,rnSloakia, the three Baltic republics, andrnpossibU’ Rumania and Bulgaria. Thernconsec[uences of this...