
Video: A Southern Braveheart

The new players of the 1990’s, on thernother hand, possess Httle sense of lyricalrncomposition, turning out derivative garden-rnvariety hard-bop numbers writtenrnfrom chord changes without regard forrnmelody and harmony and often played inrnthe same up-tempo 4/4 meter, thereby illustrahngrnthe old insiders’ joke that therntwo scariest words in jazz are “originalrnmaterial.” Even when they lend themselvesrnto the...


Video: A Southern Braveheart

among liis comrades, Wales refuses tornsurrender and take a lovaltv’ oath. Tliisrndecision saves his hfe, for, as lie watchesrnfrom the hush, his disarmed compatriotsrnare trcaclicrously massacred by federalrnforces acHng under the orders of Kansas’rnradical Republican senator, James Lane.rnLearning of Wales’ escape, Senator Lanernsends a detachment of Kansas cavalryrnknown as “Red Legs” to track and killrnhim....


Education: The Life of the Mind in Glitter Gulch

of his film, for it jars both with Woodrell’srnbook and the fihri itself. In an essayrnfound on the website for the movie, Leernadmits that he both identifies and sympathizesrnwith the Southerners. However,rnhe goes on to argue that it was necessar)-rnfor progress that the North w in the war.rnHe starts by noting that manv peoplernthroughout the...


Education: The Life of the Mind in Glitter Gulch

things only have instrumental value. Yournean sec this in the slots, the gaming tables,rnthe S3.95 all-you-can-eat buffets, therncall girls, the sports books, and the videopokerrnmachines. Outdated Las Vegasrncasinos (e.g., Dunes, Sands, Hacienda,rnLandmark) are demolished and replacedrnbv new and more elaborate facadesrnwhich can separate the tourists from theirrnmoney. Casinos, of course, do not giverncustomers anything in...


In the Dark

In The Darkrnhy George McCartneyrnThe Best RealityrnMoney Can Buy?rnWith few exceptions, there is an inversernrelationship between a film’s special-effectsrnbudget and its artistic imagination:rnCall it the Jurassic Law. When StevenrnSpielberg sicced his computerized dinosaursrnon us, he proved unequivocallyrnthat the more money spent on makingrnthings look dazzlingly real, the slackerrnthe plot and the flatter the characterization.rnThe Perfect...


In the Dark

teenager. Screenwriter Robert Rodat andrndirector Roland Emmerich have createdrnas honest a vision of war as one can imaginern— its wild mix of horror, stupidity, andrngrandeur—at least in the early scenes.rnThe film’s impressive attention to periodrndetail is more than merely picturesque.rnTake Emmerich’s decision tornilluminate his interiors with 18th-centuryrncandlelight. This enables him to presentrnMel Gibsorr’s character, Benjamin...


The Hundredth Meridian

The Hundredth Meridianrnby Chilton Williamson, Jr.rnA Cowboy at CaramoorrnIt’s a long ride to hear Andrea Mareovicci,rnthe Maria Calks of cabaret, in concertrnafter I missed her in Billings a conplernof years ago. At Katonah, New York, Irnchecked into the first motel I saw, snubbingrnthe horse between a Lexus and arnVW bus covered with flower decals, leftrnover...


The Hundredth Meridian

wraparound skirt and sleeveless black toprnwith a loose-knit white shawl over it, metrnme on the eneloscd porch. She carriedrnthe wine to the kitchen, and Mrs. Carrollrngave me a tour of the house, graciouslyrncalling my attention to what she calledrn”your lovely flowers” ensconced in a vasernin one of the public rooms. From thernkitchen, Andrea could be...


The Hundredth Meridian

from below rises to cool the entire house.rn”And it doesn’t cost her a cent!” Andrearnfinished admiringly.rnThe conversation turned briefly tornshow business, for me a well-timed reminderrnthat Andrea Marcovicci, whom Irnknow almost entirely so far as a singer andrnmusician, is in addition a distinguishedrnactress whose life and career remainrndeeply embedded in the theatrical andrnfilm worlds. (Bringing...


The Hundredth Meridian

CHRONICLES’ BACK ISSUES, TAPES, AND BOOKSrnOn Constitutionalism, and Judicial TyrannyrnDECONSTRUCTING JUSTICE—July 1999—Thomas Fleming on justice andrnthoughtcrime, Philip Jenkins on the presumption of innocence and other fairy tales,rnStephen B. Presser on the living Constitution and the death of sovereignty, and AntonyrnFlew on the mirage of John Rawls. Plus Justin Raimondo on Matthew Shepard and thernthought police...


The Hundredth Meridian

Four Romes: One Eternal Cityrn-•^fe^.rne^MMf^rn^^Km^%%M?^^rnSi’fc…rn^>9CJpUrn^H^”^ ^O^BF – ‘ .^^flUft^rn^IHff^ ‘>^£’ ^^UBIBQ ^ K ^ ^ i r – ^ ^ i ^rn^ ^ ^ H r i n^^f^^ii ***’Ir^nMr^F^rn^ ^ ^ • u | g H | w | ^ a^yHi^j^^^^rn'”‘–p’rn•rn4Jrn**#rn/o/nrnChronicles editors Thomas Fleming, ChiltonrnWilliamson, Jr., Srdja Trifkovic, and Andrei Navrozov,rnalong with architectrnDr. James Patrick,...


Polemics & Exchanges

EDITORrnThomas FlemingrnEXECUTIVE EDITORrnScott P. RichertrnSENIOR EDITOR, BOOKSrnChilton Williamson, Jr.rnASSISTANT EDITORrnJeffrey Thomas KuhnerrnART DIRECTORrnH. Ward SterettrnDESIGNERrnMelanie AndersonrnCONTRIBUTING EDITORSrnKatherine Dalton, Samuel Francis,rnGeorge Garrett, Paul Gottfried,rnPhilip Jenkins, J.O. Tate, MichaelrnWashburn, Clyde WilsonrnCORRESPONDING EDITORSrnJanet Scott Barlow, Bill Kauffman,rnDonald Livingston, William Mills,rnWilliam Murchison, Andreirnhlavrozov, Jacob NeusnerrnFILM EDITORrnGeorge McCartneyrnFOREIGN AFFAIRS EDITORrnSrdja TrifkovicrnLEGAL AFFAIRS EDITORrnStephen B. PresserrnRELIGION EDITORrnHarold O.J. BrownrnEDITORIAL SECRETARYrnLeann DobbsrnCIRCULATION...


Polemics & Exchanges

raelite socieh’, below the pure Israeliternstock, even into Rabbinic times—a phenomenonrnthat attests to the importancernof bloodlines throughout Jewish histor)’.rnWhile the marriage practices of the Kohanimrnare indeed stricter than those ofrnother Jews, there is no question that marriagerninto the Jewish gene pool was veryrninfrequent until quite recently, and modernrnpopulation genetic studies show ver}’rnlittle genetic admixture between...


Cultural Revolutions

dencc, I assume that the reason for thisrnlag is cultural. Protcstauts who wallow inrnsocial guilt and hac lost the Puritanrnvirtues are headed for self-destruction.rnBut they ha’e certainly not been cognitirncly shortchanged. Nor have the otherrnscions of a rich European ci’ilization,rnw hich has been indispen.sablc for the intellectualrnand artistic enrichment of Jewsrnand other groups.rnA final point:...


Cultural Revolutions

candidate. Exeryone knows the list —rnTraxelgate, national health care, campaignrnfinance scandals, the bombing ofrnYugoslavia.rnBut despite her chic radicalism, Mrs.rnClinton is not the political operator thatrnher husband is. She is cold, rigid, andrnself-righteous. The notion that she couldrnbecome a serious force in American politicsrnis an illusion of both the left and thernright.rnFor all of Mrs. Clinton’s...


Cultural Revolutions

gyman who actually bears arms againstrnthe foe.rnA reviewer in National Review complainedrnthat Gibson’s character “does notrnfight for principle or country—at leastrnnot at first—but for vengeance. The relevantrnpolitical institution is not South Carolina,rnbut the family. This seems like arnpretty serious cop-out for a film calledrn’The Patriot.'”rnBut maybe that’s a point that few peoplerntoday (especially at National...


Cultural Revolutions

ing moralit}’ and religion from the publicrnsquare, and, in general, carrying out thernextraconstitutional, policymaking legacyrnof die Warren Court.rnMany of those on the Court who seemrnnot to care about their constitutional rolernwere Republican appointees, but it is thernDemocrats who want to make the futurernof Supreme Court policymaking a campaignrnissue. Al Gore was quick to declarernthat the...


Burn This Book

PERSPECTIVErnBurn This Bookrnby Thomas FlemingrnWhy do we send our children to school, much less to a collegernor a university? I have put this question to anyrnnumber of parents, teachers, and headmasters and only rarelyrnreceived a better answer than “So they can get a good job.”rnNever having had what most people would call a good job,...


Burn This Book

his essay on the “Educahon of Children,” Montaigne wanted torndebunk the French schooHng of his da’, and in writing al)outrnthe proper subjects of study, he puts moral studies first, addingrnthis curious aphorism: “Among the liberal arts, let us begin withrnthe art that makes us free.” (“Entre les arts liberaux, commen^rnons par I’art qui nous fait...


Burn This Book

to some other nation.”rnThen how do we choose? Montaigne has no difficulty in decidingrnthat other nations and cultures are superior to his own.rnWhile French legal insdtutions “by their lack of rule and formrnencourage disorder and corruption,” China is a “kingdomrnwhose government and arts, without having any intercourse orrnknowledge of our own, surpasses what we have...


After the Avalanche

VIEWSrnAfter the AvalanchernThe Reemergence of Colleges in Christrnby James PatrickrnWhen C.S. Lewis wrote that there was more distance betweenrnus and Jane Austen than between Jane Austenrnand Plato, he was remarking on a cataelysm that colleges andrnuniversities had not escaped. The cliarters of colleges foundedrnbefore the Age of Jackson reiterated the claim that the purposernof an...


After the Avalanche

and histon,’.” Only 32 percent of those polled considered thisrnlast goal essential.rnNone of the top goals of those surveed wonld have beenrncounted among the primary purposes of collegiate learning beforernthat sudden frost ElvcK n Waugh called, in Brideshead Revisited,rnThe Age of Hooper, histead, these goals suggest a culturernpopulated by what C.S. Lewis called trousered apes...


How Metaphors Are Made

adding, “It was an advantage when there was one common discipHnernand ever}’ nation studied the doings of hvo states. Now,rnthe}’ learn how to mend motor cars.”rnOf all the differences between the old college and the new,rnthe most obxious is the absence of Jesus Christ from the presupposihonsrnthat underlie academic life. Thomas Arnold, thernemblematic English schoolmaster,...


Going the Distance

Going the DistancernHow Homeschoolers Will Change Collegernby Mary PridernHomeschooling parents are all too aware of the hazardsrnthey face in signing up a beloved child for four ears at IyrnU, Good Old State U, or even Used-to-be Chrishan College.rnEven if the institution in question does not hand out condomsrnlike candy during orientation week and does not...


Going the Distance

Community/Local College. In recent years, homeschoolingrnfamilies have found that two plus two costs less than four. Attendingrna community college for two years enables their 16-rnyear-old student to live at home, saves them lots of money, givesrnthe student practice in going to college, and results in creditsrnthat can be transferred to a more prestigious institution. Therndownside...


Barbecue Shacks, Palmetto Groves, and Other Schools

Barbecue Shacks, Palmetto Groves,rnand Other SchoolsrnBetting on the Hedgesrnby Donald W. LivingstonrnThe smog of political correctness hangs heavilv o er mostrnAmerican colleges and universities. Since the politicallvrncorrect are intolerant, support onlv their own shle of research,rnand hire and tenure onK- their own kind, this condition ma-rnwell he with us for two generations. This has led...


Barbecue Shacks, Palmetto Groves, and Other Schools

em thinkers: Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henr)-, George Mason,rnSt. George Tucker, John Randolph, Abel Upshur, John C. Calhoun,rnWilliam Gilmore Simms, Albert Taylor Bledsoe, RobertrnLouis Dabney, Basil Gildersleeve, the Nashville Agrarians,rnRichard M. Weaver, M.E. Bradford, and many others.rnThe cultural elites goerning America today have embracedrnthe very intellectual and spiritual pathologies against which thernSouthern tradition has consistentl) inveighed....


Signs of the Times

“All the NewsrnUnfit to Print” ignsJ of tl^e QDimesfrnVol. 2 No. 9 September 2000rnThe parking lot of a shopping mall inrnBiloxi, Mississippi, was packed withrnyoung blacks in town for an event calledrnBlack Spring Break. Suddenly, a shoutrnwent up from several male voices:rn”There’s a white girl! There’s a whiterngirl!”rnSeconds l a t e r , the...


Signs of the Times

the Serbs:rnMr. B l a i r ‘ s worst crime to daternhas been his cruel and pointlessrndecision to wage warrnagainst the Serbs, but thernblame for t h i s must also attachrnto the Government and the wholernHouse of Commons, which encouragedrnhim to t r y [and nowrnsays] that the bombing had beenrni l l...


An Empire, If You Can Bear It

OPINIONSrnAn Empire^ If You Can Bear Itrnby Justin Raimondorn’The mission of the United States is one of benevolent assimilation.”rn—William McKinleyrnBlowback: The Costs andrnConsequences of American Empirernby Chalmers JohnsonrnNew York: MetropoUtan Books;rn268 pp., $26.00rnI n his classic shidy of “isolationism,”rnNot to the Swift, Justus Doeneckerntakes note of a phenomenon called “AsiarnFirstism” — the view of conservativernpoliticians...


An Empire, If You Can Bear It

their subsequent o’ereapacit’. Japan is arncase in point. During the Cold War, thernconntrv’s strategic ahie outweighed—inrnthe eves of U.S. poHtical leaders and economicrnplanners — its growing role as anrneconomic competitor. Americans providedrnopen access to their markets withoutrndemanding reciprocitv, while thernJapanese supinely accepted Hicir role as arneunuch state, disarmed but kept fat andrnhapp b their American...


An Empire, If You Can Bear It

China, where the media is openly controlledrnby the state, is an example of “softrntotalitarianism”; Johnson contrasts thernChinese system with the Japanese modelrnof speech control, wherernsuch freedoms exist on paper butrnare attenuated in part by cartelizationrnof the news media—pressrnclubs in Japan can impose collectivernor individual penalties on journalistsrnwho report news that irritatesrnthe state.rnElections are formally held...


Facilis Discensus Averno

REVIEWSrnFacilis DiscensusrnAvemornby Chilton Williamson, Jr.rnFrom Dawn to Decadence:rn500 Years of Western Cultural Life,rnFrom 1500 to the Presentrnby Jacques BarzunrnNew York: HarperCollins;rn877 pp., $36.00rnI acques Barzun’s 30-somethingth book,rnJ though published by HarperCollins,rnbears the unmistakable stamp of ColumbiarnUniversity, from whose college thernauthor graduated, where he was appointedrnSeth Low Professor of History, andrnserved for ten years as dean...


Facilis Discensus Averno

FMANCIPATION, PRIMmVISM,rnINDMDIL^LISM, SEI .F-CONSCIOUSNESS,rnABSTR,^CTION, ANALYSIS,rnSPECIALISM, SCIENTISM, SECULARISM.rnREDUCTIONISM.rnHa ing been a wallflower all mv life atrndances and of die male persnasion intornthe bargain, I ean onlv imagine that diernexperience of reading this book might berncomparable to dancing with a partnerrnwho fails to exert what nsed to be called arnsufficiently strong lead. While Barzunrnleans heavilv on die...


Obscurely Called: Richard Wilbur at Eighty

scions program (again, particularly inrnwhat became the United States) to beginrnthe human experiment over again, to creaternnot just a new world but a new man, arnnew imiverse, and a new metaphysic torngo with them —the Americas, almostrnfrom the time of first settlement, influencedrnthe old Western world more thanrnit influenced them, no matter thatrnDescartes lived in...


Obscurely Called: Richard Wilbur at Eighty

With its deft rhymes and dazzlingrnturns of phrase, “Praise in Summer”rnseems at first glance a confection ofrnwords as airy and elusive as the poems ofrnWallace Stevens, who had a substantialrn(and perhaps unfortunate) influence onrnWilbur’s youthful work. Readers ofrnWilbur’s early books tended to regardrnhim, in the words of the Oxford Companionrnto American Literature, as “classic, urbane,rnoften...


Doe Fever

In entrechats each fluttering insectrntherernRose two steep yards in air,rnThen slowly floated down to climbrnonce more,rnSo that thev all composed a manifoldrnAnd figured scene.rnAnd seemed the weavers of somerncloth of gold,rnOr the fine pistons of some brightrnmachine.rnWatching these lifelong dancers ofrna dayrnAs night closed in, I felt myselfrnalonernIn a life too much mv own.rnMore mortal...


Rinse, Please

First Lady has been so intimately involvedrn—but that she almost completelyrnnegates a case so easily made wellrnthrough her overdose of speculation,rnhearsay, and fantas}’. It does not help thatrnnearly half her sentences begin with “Irnbelieve,” “I think,” or “It seems.”rnNoonan’s book ranges from fim torntouching to weird. Serious, it is not. Andrnit won’t scud een the...


Rinse, Please

Four Romes: One Eternal CityrnJoinrnChronicles editors Thomas Fleming, ChiltonrnWilliamson, Jr., Srdja Trifkovic, and Andrei Navrozov,rnalong with architectrnDr. James Patrick, founder and provost of thernCollege of Saint Thomas More,rnand Italians . . .rnjournalist Alberto Carosa,rntheologian Roberto di Mattei andrnreactionary political insider, Marco RespintirnforrnThe Rockford Institute’s first Convivium of the (real) new millenniumrnJanuary 4-10, 2001rnto explorernThe Eternal...


Principalities & Powers

Principalities & Powersrnbv Samuel FrancisrnProcessions of the Damnedrn”Well, fellow, who are you?” demandsrnthe Earl of Warwick of a character whornappears on stage for the first time at thernend of George Bernard Shaw’s play Saintrn]oan. “I,” huffs the man who has justrnburned Joan of Arc at the stake, “am notrnaddressed as fellow, my lord. I am...


Principalities & Powers

cence in some cases, in others it ought tornprove guilt, an impHcation that blows thernargument about “certainty” out of the water.rnThe argument is that, as GovernorrnRyan says, until we “can be sure, withrnmoral certainty,” that no innocent personrnis being executed, we should have no executions.rnBut what if we are certain he isrnguilty? If the “conservative...


Letter From Venice

CORRESPONDENCErnLetter From Venicernby Andrei NavrozovrnAbout the TouristsrnSummer in Venice means tourists. Do Irnhate them? No more, I assure you, thanrna patient strieken with a mortal ihnessrnhates the individual viral agents, or virions,rnwhieh are draining the nueleie-synthesizingrnenergy of his body eells to replieaternthemselves. He hates the disease,rnwhich is making him weak, old, and uglyrneven as he...


Letter From Inner Israel

man Empire, Gibbon wrote of the nonconformistrnwho, in escaping from Rome,rncould once hope to find:rna secure refuge, a new fortune adequaternto his merit, the freedom ofrncomplaint, and perhaps the meansrnof revenge. But the empire of thernRomans filled the world, and,rnwhen that empire fell into thernhands of a single person, the worldrnbecame a safe and drear)’...



dangers, and “each case [is] to be judgedrnon its own merits by medical and rabbinicalrncounseling.” But Riskin is explicit:rn”When no mitigating circumstancesrnexist, and the proposed abortion proves tornbe only a desire to get rid of an inconvenience,rnJewish law . . . clearly forbids therntaking of potential life.”rnThat is, pure and simple, the view ofrnJudaism on...


Letter From the Upper Midwest

grv readers ridiculing the ludicrous proposal.rnAnother bill sought to make organ-harvestingrnmandatory. Even the director ofrnHawaii’s organ bank was appalled. Again,rna flood of letters protested the bill. If thernstate can take your body parts, what can’trnit claim? Does liberty mean anything tornwould-be lieart and eye grabbers?rnApparentiy not. hi that same session,rnthe Hawaii legislature was filled with...


Letter From the Upper Midwest

says baseball’s sellout is only about money.rnDeeper forces are at work in the glassrntowers that house the offices of professionalrnsports. There is a conscious desirernat the highest levels of these organizationsrnto take their sports global; to thinkrnnot just of the fans in section AA of thernupper deck but also those living in yurtsrnin the Gobi...


The American Interest

The American Interestrnby Srdja TrifkovicrnThe InternationalrnCriminal Court: Clinton’srnFrankenstein’s MonsterrnFor ears, the Clinton-Gore administrationrnhas been in the forefront of efforts torncreate international judicial bodies —rnsuch as the Yugoslav war-crimes “tribunal”rnat The Hague —that could bernused as auxiliarv’ tools of diplomatic decisionmakingrnin Washington. MadeleinernAlbright liked the fagade of legality- (hatrncould be invoked to jushf’ their policies.rnAll along,...


Education: Uncle Sam’s Classroom

VITAL SIGNSrnEDUCATIONrnUncle Sam’srnClassroomrnby B.K. EakmanrnYolanda and Raul Salazar of Miami,rnFlorida, naturalized citizens who escapedrnCastro’s Cuba, are finding out thernhard way that Uncle Sam’s classroomsrnare not about proficiency at anything, orrnliteracy, or basics. America’s schoolsrnaren’t extensions of the home, wherernfamilies are held sacred and parents arernvalued, histead, American education isrnabout “mental hygiene,” defined b’ psychologistsrnas “preventive...


Education: Uncle Sam’s Classroom

expert witnesses for the Salazars, broughtrnin to testify on a variety of relevant legalrnand professional issues, finally had to returnrnhome. What should have been arnclear-cut case of parental rights became arncircus orchestrated by educrats who arguablyrnhad a greater stake in the outcomernthan either Daniel or his parents. If thernSalazars managed to overturn the “emotionallyrnhandicapped” determinationrnand...


History: Jesse Jackson, Jr., Refights the Civil War

their children’s lessons.rnOn June 2, 2000, the judge handedrndown a precedent-setting decision in thernSalazar case. She determined that thernpsychiatric examination of Daniel was invalidrnsince it was not conducted bv arnmedical doctor, which is illegal underrnstate law. She agreed that the parents hadrnbeen misled as to the nature of the “specialrnclass” in which the youngster hadrnbeen...