Gordon Brown’s media handlers have taken to ensuring that he frequently appears in front of the country’s journalists while in the company of children. This is presumably intended to soften his public image. However, when a 50-year-old man with a tendency to overdo the stage makeup, who suffers a series of bizarre facial tics and...
April 1, 2009June 20, 2022Vital Signs
Over the course of its 11 years at the helm of the United Kingdom, the Labour Party has acquired a reputation for authoritarianism. However, even its harshest critics would have doubted the evidence of their senses when awaking one morning to find that an opposition MP had been arrested for releasing information that embarrassed the...
December 1, 2008June 20, 2022Correspondence
Spy Kids and Labour Snoops
In Great Britain as in the United States, terrorism has provided the perfect pretext for assaulting liberties enjoyed for centuries. Torture, detention without charge, wiretapping, international databases of citizens’ private information—all have been enthusiastically pursued in the United Kingdom as in the United States. Yet even as the bloated Labour government has begun to flounder...