RENASCENCEn”A New Mimesis:nArt and Literature As An Imitation of Nature”nVol. 37, No. 3 Spring 1985nRenascence, a quarterly in its 37th year of publication, is a critical and scholarly journalnconcerned with the study of values in literature. The editorial perspective is Christian thoughtnand values without limitation to subject matter.nEditor: Joseph Schwartz, Professor of English, Marquette UniversitynThe Spring Issue of Renascence is devoted to a working paper, “A New Mimesis,” bynReverend John Boyd, S.J. He suggests that literature, as well as all art, is inherently mimetic.nAristotle used the term “mimesis” to mean an imitation of nature; Boyd broadens “mimesis”nto include the imitation of being.nJohn Boyd, S.J. RespondentsnJohn Boyd, S.J. is Professor of English at J. Robert Earth, S.J. John McCabenFordham University. He is the author of The Gerald L. Bruns Ralph MclnemynFunction of Mimesis and Its Decline. The W. Norris Clarke, S.J. A.D. Nuttallncurrent essay is a taste of his forthcoming ^’^tor Hamm Philip C. Rule, S.J.nhook Mimesis Revisited. Harry R. Klocker, S.J. Wesley Tnmp.n”New Mimesis” Issue of RenascencenI would like copies of the “New Mimesis” issue of Renascence @n$6.00 each $.nI would like to subscribe to Renascence beginning with Volume 38* @n$ 15 per year ($17 outside of U.S.A.) $.nTOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED $.nSpecify full mailing address and name if not on check.nMake check payable to Renascence and mail with this form to:nMarquette University/Renascencen1212 West Wisconsin AvenuenMilwaukee, WI 53233 U.S.A.n•Vol. 38 will include a special issue devoted to David Jonesnnn
January 1975July 27, 2022By The Archive
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