any strategic designs on the PersiannGulf region, and that he would ordernthe withdrawal of some Soviet unitsnin Afghanistan as soon as the armsntraffic across the Pakistan border tonAfghan rebels was ended. (Emphasisnadded)nIn essence, this says that the solutionnin Afghanistan of which Mr. Hammernwould be fond, which he would considernhis contribution to world peace,nwould be for Brezhnev to withdrawnsome of his troops, while the West wouldnterminate all help to the Afghan freedomnfighters. Their resistance wouldnthen be easily suppressed by the remainingnSoviet troops. This Mr. Ham­nOnward,nChristian Soldiers!nWalter Rauschenbusch and his fellownSocial Gospelers seized the realm ofnChristian public policy in the late 19thncentury for the left, and since that timenliberal Protestants have claimed a specialnprerogative in determining the applicationnof Christian ethics to public affairs.nThose who rejected their formulationsnfrequently responded to this sacerdotalnimperialism by withdrawing into an imaginativenapocalypticism or by consolingnthemselves with tirades against the barbariansnwithin the gates. Neither sufficednto check the merry progress of thenliberal clerics.nThe appearance of two new quarterlynjournals—r^/j VFor/^and Center Journal—mdicaXesnthat those Christians notnenamored with the liberal ethos have decidednto fight fire with fire. This World,^npublished by the Institute for EducationalnAffairs in association with thenAmerican Enterprise Institute, bringsn48inChronicles of Culturen.lOl KNAI.ISMnmer apparently considers his mission ofnpeace. Who would this kind of peacenserve best.’ And what about the Afghannpeople.” This evidently does not bothernMr. Hammer or make any impact onnhis conscience. Has he ever asked himselfnhow his activities help Russian dissidents,nor enslaved Eastern Europeans.”nWe see no sign that he has. All we knownis that he was a friend of Russian leadersnfrom Lenin to Brezhnev, and that henowns the most impressive private collectionnof Russian art in existence. Thatnis an image of the virtuous Americanncapitalist whose actions Pravda glorifiesnas an example of impeccable cooperationnbetween the two systems. (LT) Dntogether Roman Catholics, Protestantsnand Jews in an effort “to help all of usnto be a little clearer about the real-worldneffects of moral and religious thinking.”nIn sponsoring Center Journal, thenCenter for Christian Studies at NotrenDame, Indiana intends to provide annecumenical voice to oppose the “liberalist/secularistnpartisans” who have runnroughshod over the churches. AlthoughnNibbling the Hand thatnFeeds YounProfessor John Kenneth Galbraithnlectured on Reaganomics at the MagazinenPublishers Association annual meetingnin sunny Palm Springs:nYou as publishers are in the bracketsnthat will enjoy the tax cuts, but it isnvery hard to make incentives worknfor people paying a bit more fornRolls-Royces,nthe editor of Center Journal may overstatenthe case in contending “that thisnperiod of domination is coming to annend,” one can at least agree that thenlaunching of This Worldand CenternJournal serves notice that the epigonesnof Walter Rauschenbusch will no longernbe free to pass off their fuzzy speculationsnas the word of God. DnArchie KristolnXhe New York Times Magazine ran,nnot long ago, a sizable feature on ProfessornIrving Kristol, the noted neoconservativentheorist and polemicist.nWritten by a certain Mr. Walter Goodman,nthe article epitomized the lowbrow,nquarter-intelligent, yellow-journalisticnapproach to the wave of conservativenand neoconservative dialecticsnwhich has victoriously invaded thenrealm of the American intellectual discourse—fornso long the exclusivenfiefdom of liberal rhetoric and fashion.nMr. Goodman is apparently quite unawarenof Professor Kristol’s Americannantecedents in philosophy, history, thenhumanities in general; he seems tonbelieve that he has tapped the source,nrather than the end product, of somenideological tradition—a misconceptionnthat is a typical pitfall for an ignoramus.nWith the moral chutzpah of a punk liberal,nMr. Goodman uses the denomina-nLlBERAL CULTURK |nhonorarium, Dr. Galbraith thoughtfullynadded:nI know you’re working hard andnwon’t luxuriate in the tax breaks.nPerhaps worried about the status of his (RAV) Dnnn