At Last!rnA book that exposes the true cultural significance of the Clinton presidencyrnThe Nonpatriotic President: A Survey of the CAinton Yearsrnby Janet Scott BarlowrnWhitewater . . . Filegate . . . Monica LewinskyrnThe scandals are only the beginningrnIf you think that Bill Clinton’s influence will end when hernleaves office, you need to read this book. With her inimitablernwit and devastating logic, Janet Scott Barlow assessesrnthe real —and lasting—damage wrought by the Clintonrnpresidency.rn”The letter carriers think they have toted some sacks ofrnangry, pro-Clinton mail! Just wait. It is going to be veryrneasy to get mad at Mrs. Barlow. The lady swings a meanrnrolling pin. (Would Hillary regard that metaphor as sexist?rnGood, let’s keep it.)”rn— From the Introduction by William Murchisonrnof the Dallas Morning NewsrnThe Nonpatriotic President features 20 hard-hitting chapters,rnincluding: “My Nixon,” “Communication asrnManipulation,” “Hillaryland,” “It’s About Sex,” “Don’trnAsk, Don’t Tell,” and “The Politics of Arrogance.”rnTHPrnNONPM’klOTICrnPPwESIDENTrnA Survey of the Clinton YearsrnJANET SCOTT BARLOWrnBook Order Form (please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery)rnSoftcover Price $15.95rn($12.95 + $3.00 stiipping and tiandling each)rnX QuantityrnTotalrnPlease mail form (with payment) to:rnChronicles/ProductsrnP.O. Box 800rnMount Morris, IL 61054rno r , t o o r d e r t o l l – f r e e ,rnc a l l 1 – 8 0 0 – 3 9 7 – 8 1 60rnName_rnAddress_rnCity/State/Zip_rnAJSB12rnj I Check or money order enclosedrnI I Please bill my: MasterCard Q Visa Q AmexrnCard #rnExpiration DaternSignaturernrnrn