It is certainly in America’s paramountninterest to develop an internal consensusnon foreign policy. All those Middle Eastnexperts who write endless “evenhanded”ndiatribes — which inevitably endnup condemning Israel and reminding thenpublic that we need Arab oil—smuglyndismiss the fact that there has been annear-unanimous support for Israel innthis country for more than 30 years.nWhen they intimate that that supportnwas the effect of some sinister Jewish-nZionist machinations, they grossly distortnreality. The pro-Zionist stance isndeeply embedded in the Protestantnchurches. Reverend Falwell and thenfundamentalists are flamboyant admirersnof the Israelis’ Biblically rooted, nationalisticntraditionalism; a vast numbernof Americans who read papers duringnthose three decades are strongly persuadednthat, both morally and historically,njustice and right lies on the Israelinside of the conflict. Our current Presidentnand his ideological entourage seemnto belong to this segment. Finally, angreat many thinking people questionnwhat we would gain from the Arabnworld in exchange for dumping the Israelinalliance. More oil at a better price?nSome strategic mutual-defense pact? Ornperhaps a new ideological alliance?nThe answer to the last question is, ofncourse, most confusing, even unsavory,non closer examination. After all, evennliberal America is the product of thenJudeo-Christian civilization, and anyonenwith propaedeutic knowledge of historynand religious world views must be distrustfulnof Islamic philosophical tenets.nThe events of our time have done nothingnto dissipate these forebodings. Thenfanaticism, despotism and social savagerynwith which Moslem societies regulatentheir own affairs, the appallinglyngenuine susceptibility of Islamic massmovementsnto Marxism, its dialecticsnand political morality and, ultimately,nIslam’s passionate hatred of WesternnChristianity for nearly 1000 yearstemperednonly lately by commercial andntechnological considerations—all thatndoes not sit comfortably with the ideanof a viable, or even reasonable, alliance.nThere is no evidence that the Moslemnworld as an ideological entity, with thenexception of some perennially endangerednmonarchs, prefers our world tonthat of the Soviets. There’s no evidencenthat, once Israel ceases to exist, thenIslamic societies would continue tonpledge their loyalty to us, rather than tonthe Soviets, or even that they wouldn’tntry to destroy us in the name of centurieslongnfeelings of unsatisfied revenge. Innthese terms, Israel becomes an importantnfactor of cool political maneuvering:nOld Times Here Are Not Forgotten…nTHE SOUTHERN PARTISANnHAS ARRIVED!nThe Conservative Voice ofnthe Unreconstructed South…nPresented with Wit and Style…nIHiBllRmMinOFCOLUnBHI ».;M«il>0<«^nn”…for those concerned aboutnpreserving Southern Culture.”n—HUMAN EVENTSn”… a breath of fresh air… a voicencrying in the wilderness.”n—CHARLESTON NEWSn& COURIERn”AT LAST!”n—CIVIL WAR PRESS CORPSnREAD: Andrew Lytle – Russell Kirk – M.E. BradfordnUnpublished work by Richard Weaver – And more innTHE MAGAZINEnYOU^VE BEEN WAITING FORnYes! I’d like to try THE SOUTHERN PARTISAN at thenspecial introductory rate of $12.00 per year.nNAMEnADDRESSnD Bill me D $12.00 check enclosednCITY STATE. ZIP-nMail to: The Southern Partisan, P.O. Box 11708, Columbia SC 29211 ccnnn^i^^^^mmm^^^nXowmber/December 1981n