more—a pariah.nMs. Rossner gives the reader goodncause to despise the behavior of thenGod-fearing New Englanders as they trynto force Emmeline to leave town. Butnshe cannot, will not, and one wondersnif it is a 19th-century version of thenwoman who was stoned, whom Christnforgave, saying, “Go, and sin no more.”nIndeed, Emmeline Mosher Gurneynseems to become more saintly with eachnpassing year, and, while the townspeoplenstill won’t speak to her, they donsend food and firewood on occasion (onenrecalls the ancient abbesses and monksnwho depended on Christian charity forntheir ascetic survival). Just in case thenreader has missed any of these allusions,nthe final paragraph spells out Ms. Rossner’snoxymoronic beliefs:nFeelings so powerful that they couldnhave come only from God lead somento those acts most strongly condemnednby his word.nJ. ludith Rossner is a writer of somenskill, and with Emmeline and Lookingnfor Mr. Goodbar she has proved hernability to appeal to a mass audience. Thenromantic stories captivate the vast numbersnof gothic and historical-romancen”A welcome new star in the conservativenintellectual galaxy../’n-George Nashn’^ HILLSDALE REVIEWnAn American MiscellanynJoin Malcolm Muggeridge, Russell Kirk, Wm. F. Buckley, Jr.,nGeorge Will and the growing host of readers in subscribing to ThenHillsdale Review, a cultural and literary quarterly edited and writtennby a dynamic group of young conservatives. If you thought thenAge of Discussion, with its lively exchange of ideas and fine prose,ndies out with journals like The American Mercury and The Criterion,nyou may be wrong. At $5.00 a year, The Hillsdale Review offers thenbest of a rising generation of young conservatives. So why notnsubscribe today?nD YES, I’d like to subscribe to The Hillsdale Review for one yearn(four issues) at $5.00.nNamenAddress.nChronicles of Cultttrennnfans, and the easy pacing holds thenattention of the most superficial reader.nThe problem is not with those whonrecognize her theological implications,nbut with that mass audience who willnswallow the Rossner concept of Godnwithout realizing it, and another blownwill have been struck at traditionalnChristian beliefs.nIn an introductory note, Ms. Rossnernclaims that the basic facts of the storynare true: there really was an EmmelinenMosher and a Matthew Gurney, and sonon. Thus she implies that since we cannrely on her facts, we ought also to trustnher theology—but I don’t. DnMOVING?nChronicles of Culture willnmove with you . . . send thennotice below with your newnaddress to:nThe Rockford Instituten934 North Main StreetnRockford, Illinois 61103.nCHANGE OF ADDRESSnOld address:nNamenAddressnCity.nState. Zip-nNew mailing address:nNamenAddressnCitynState. Zip-nChange effective as of-n