on the other. Caught in the middle arenDean and Admiral Kraft. Dean sticksnwith it and wins; Kraft, though fullynappreciating the significance of Dean’snexperience, must sadly yield to the poll-‘nticians and public-relations people fornwhom moral cowardice is the betternpart of valor. As Webb suggests late innthe book, ‘”Honor was a microscope.nIt could also be a guillotine.” For allnof the major characters honor is a setnof lenses under which their souls- arenminutely examined and tested; for severalnit almost becomes an instrument ofnexecution.nWebb’s fine, novel paints a picture ofna time in American history when, asnnever before in our experience, radicalndemagoguery swept the country and viciouslynattacked all that is necessary fornthe survival of a healthy society, andnin the process demonstrated the truthnof Evelyn Waugh’s observation thatn”When the waterholes were dry, “peoplensought to drink at the mirage.” Politiciansnmetamorphosed themselves overnightnfrom hawk to dove in order tonprotect their careers, and in their hastento disparage their country and its armednforces they proved the truth of Flaubert’snmaxim; “Our ignorance of historynmakes us vilify our own age.” Justna few, exemplified by Fogarty, Lenahannand Dean, remained true to themselvesnand their ideals. They may prove to benboth our rescue and our redemption. DnAi:^n44^^n// Five Special Bool(s on IssuesnThat Shape Current Debate in AmericanThe Family: America’s Hope.nSpeeches from a Rockford Institutenconference yvhich analyzedncultural forces^ operating to thendetriment of the family and suggestednthe means for counteractingnthem. Chapters by MichaelnNovak, James Hitchcock, JohnnHoward, Harold O.J. Brown, ArchbishopnNicholas T. Elko, Harold M.nVoth, Mayer Eisenstein, M.D.,nJoe J. Christensen and LeopoldnTyrmand.nRegular price $4.00nDiscount price $2.00nThe Alternative Media: DismantlingnTwo Centuries pf Progress bynFrancis M. Watson, Jr. An in-depthnstudy of the origins and developmentnof the alternative press, anninfluential force in our culturenwhich is largely unrecognized.nRegular price $5.00nDiscount price $2.50nA New Message by Jackson Pemberton.nA look at how the philosophynenunciated by the statesmennwho founded our nation appliesnto contemporary issues.nRegular price $1.50nDiscount price $1.00nCorporate Responsibility. A collectionnof speeches presented at anRockford Institute seminar examiningndemands made underthenbanner of corporate responsibilitynby groups whose major goals arenscarcely compatible with thencapitalistic system. Yale Brozen,nAdmiral William C. Mott, LeopoldnTyrmand, Jeffrey St. John, BarbaranShenfield and John Howard.nRegular price $1.50nDiscount price $1.00nThe Media Shangri-la by LeopoldnTyrmand. Examines the origins ofnfreedom of the press in America,nthe rise of the “media” to theirnpresent position of unrivalednpower and the divorce of “facts”nfrom “values” in journalism, leadingnto the rejection of norms ofnconduct and the destabillzation ofnsocial Institutions.nRegular price $1.50nDiscount price $1.00nTo order, use the adjacent post card, or send checknor money order to: The Rockford Institute, 934 N.nMain St., Rockford, IL 61103.nnni35nJanuary/February 1982n
January 1975April 21, 2022By The Archive
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