even existence, of memory, of thenknowledge of creation, of everythingnexcept the little that it takes to survivenwithout knowing it. Because of the insatiablenniggardliness of this emptinessnin which the absence of the knowledgenof creation—the creation that was destroyednin Moscow after 1917—rendersnthe individuals in Wajda’s film apparentlynunable to say meaningful words.nNo longer able to rertiember themselves,nthe individuals on the screen appear likenghosts who haunt themselves becausenthey do not know how to haunt thenworld, and us. They have been made tonbecome their own victims. The samenghosts haunt the “Paris-Moscow” exhibition,nwhich in the tattered, evasivenworldliness of “detente,” ignores themnas if they were uninvited guests. DnThe American ProsceniumnMr. Carter’s TwilightnMr. Carter’s presidency is enteringnits last year. It’s on the record that wenhave never supported him. We haventhought from the beginning that henconned America. Here is our primarynproof:n—He campaigned on an anti-Washingtonnmotto, then stuffed his administrationnwith political hacks andnmultiplied the bureaucracy;n—He ran as a middleof-the-roader,nand hired the largest imaginablennumber of radical liberals and leftistsnof the McGovern stripe;n—He promised to be responsible tonthe people, but now blames the peoplenfor inflation, though he knowsnthat only the government can createninflation;n—He presented himself as a man ofntraditional principle, and no othernadministration in history has a highernrecord of permissive tolerance forndrugs, antifamily organizations andnsmut publications;n—He declared himself to be a championnof human rights around thenworld, but his pathetic crusade endednwith his chiding Zimbabwe whilencowering before the Soviet Union;n—He proclaimed himself to be a benliever in American values as theynare imbedded in and perpetuated bynAmerican culture, but it turned outnthat by culture, he meant rock lyrics.nThus, if the land of the free tends tonperceive in Mr. Carter a nice, intelligent,ndecent, even innocent incompetent, wendo not quarrel with the last. But wendeny his intelligence, decency and innocence.nSince we saw the first flash ofnhis smile on TV, we have had a clearnimpression of deceptiveness, deviousness,nand deftly concealed mediocritynof mind. Smartness, expediency and ignorancenoften go too well together, andnnothing he has done during his tenurenhas convinced us that there’s more tonthe man. We may not be as sharp andnobservant as the great psychologists ofnthe establishment press, but our intuitionntold us that that one who so shrillynidentified himself with the silently dissatisfiednand patiently modest would benthe first to abandon them, both at homenand abroad. We had an immediate inklingnthat one who ranted so ostentatiouslynagainst lying and so loudlyninsisted on his reliability would not benabove lying and defaulting on his promises.nWe were a bit amused with hisnassurances of his familiarity with artsnand letters: we know that someone whonspeaks too much about his own brainnpower is bound to deliver dumb andnbanal opinions, prefabricated judgmentsnnnand low-brow formulations. But wenwere less amused when we saw the press’nwidespread endorsements of his “intellectuality.”nThis sounded foreboding,nas peddling acumen and trustworthinessnalways spells trouble. We are quitensorry that our early and immediate apprehensionsnwere so awfully correct.nTreason a la HollywoodnActor Henry Fonda, defending hisndaughter from the outcry of Californiansnwho do not want to have her as anstate official appointed by Mr. Brown,nthe temporary Governor, is reported tonhave said:n”I believe history has already shownnthat the antiwar groups were right…nJane has been vindicated not only bynhistory, but by the CIA and the FBInas well.”nActor Fonda is too quick a reader ofnhistory. Whether the Vietnam opponentsnand war-resisters in this countrynwere right or wrong is still to benseen. As of now, we know that theynhelped to establish a tropical Gulagnin Indochina. But Ms. Fonda is yet anothernstory: she’s not only a war-rensister, but is also guilty of behaviornwhich can reasonably be described asntreason. If she doesn’t feel the blood ofndead soldiers and tortured POWs onnher conscience, it’s a matter of bothnher ideological bigotry and moral callousness.nWhy these qualities of mindnand soul should merit a seat on thenCalifornia Arts Council is an enigma tonevery unprejudiced Californian andnAmerican. It’s doubtful that actornFonda, with all his professional skills,ncould explain it.nYoung’s ExitnOne of the most bizarre visionariesnin the history of the American diplomacy,nMr. Andrew Young, has biddennfarewell to that field of human exertions.nMr. Young had a vision of locatingn^^•^^•^^••35nSeptember/October 1979n
January 1975April 21, 2022By The Archive
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