CHRONICLES’ BACK ISSUES, TAPES, AND BOOKSrnOn Immigration, Trade, and the ElectionrnSOVEREIGNTY FOR SALE? THE FREE TRADE DEBATE—July 1998—rnThomas Fleming on trade and treason, Patrick J. Buclianan sketches a course of action.rnJohn O’Sullivan explains the limits of Buchananism, and Alfred E. Eckes draws somernlessons from the Asian meltdown. Plus William R. Hawkins and Justin Raimondo debaternPat Buchanan’s The Great Betrayal.rnBack Issue #:T987 $7.00rnU.S. GLOBAL HEGEMONY: FAST TRACK TO NOWHERE—June 1998—DougrnBandow on the search for foes in the post-Cold War era, James George Jatras on therndemise of national interests, Jushn Raimondo on the Clinton administration’s attempt torn”wag the dog,” and Denis Petrov on the real powerbrokers in Russia. Plus Jeffrey ThomasrnKuhner on the lessons that Robert Taft could teach us today.rnBack Issue #: T986 $7.00rnDON’T VOTE, IT ONLY ENCOURAGES THEM—November 1996—RobertrnWeissberg on elections as a means of state control, James J. Condit. Jr.. on vote fraud,rnClyde Wilson on the two-party stranglehold. Greg Kaza on “none of the above,” and JeremyrnBlack on the differences between British and American elections. Plus Senator EugenernMcCarthy on iinmigration.rnBack Issue #:T96- $7.00rnVIRTUAL DEMOCRACY—July 1996—Thomas Fleming on the tyranny of minorities.rnBill Kauffman’s interview with Eugene McCarthy. Paul Gottfried on regionalism vs.rnnationalism, and David Mastio on why Americans shouldn’t vote. Plus Marc Morano’srnexpose’ on sex, drugs, and a Republican Party, and William J. Quirk and Robert M. Wilcoxrncall for a 28th Amendment.rnBack Issue #:T967 $7.00rnU.N. BLUES; THE SURRENDER OF AMERICAN SOVEREIGNTY—Octoberrn1995—Thoinas Fleming on European union. Alfred E. Eckes on the perils of “free trade”rnpacts. William R. Hawkins on the usurpauon of military sovereignty, Theodore Pappas onrnthe Bricker Amendment, and Christopher Check on the U.N.’s Convention on the Rightsrnof the Child.rnBack Issue #:T950 $7.00rnAIN’T FREEDOM GRAND, PT. II—November 1994—Chronicles interviews formerrnCalifornia governor Jerry Brown, Richard Winger on restricting ballot access, JeffreyrnTucker on the third-party option, and Wayne Allensworth on the religious right. PlusrnThomas Fleming on why monkeys get fat in banana republics, Tomislav Sunic on videornpolitics, and Paul Foster’s “Memoirs of a Reagan Hack.”rnBack Issue #:T94- $7.00rnWHO OWNS AMERICA?—May 1993—Charles Lewis on the impact of foreign lobbyistsrnin Washington, Pat Choate on Japan’s influence on American trade, Arthur on the buying of American foreign policy, and Alfred E. Eckes on influence-peddlingrnas an age-old art. Plus Bill Kauffman on who owned Hollywood in the 1930’s andrnRuss Braley on the revolving door between government and journalism.rnBack Issue #:T93S $7.00rnIMMIGRATION AND THE AMERICAN IDENTITY—Softcover—A collection ofrnessays that appeared in Chronicles between 1985 and 1995. Featuring Peter Brimelow,rnRichard Estrada. Thomas Fleming. Samuel Francis, Paul Gottfried, Garrett Hardin, E.rnChristian Kopff. Richard Lamm. John Lukacs. Grady McWhiney, Claes Ryn, ChiltonrnWilliamson, Jn, Clyde Wilson, and Pete Wilson.rnBook#:MGRT $17.45rnALIEN NATION—Hardcover—Peter Brimelow’s 1995 study of immigration is out ofrnprint, but we have a limited number of copies available at 50 percent off of the cover price.rnPacked with facts and figures that destroy the arguments of the pro-immigration crowd,rnthis book is essential reading for anyone who cares about the future of America. Get yoursrnbefore they’re gone.rnBook*: BRIM $12.00rnRECONSTRUCTING AMERICA: NATIONAL IDENTITY AND IMMIGRATIONrn—Audiotape—Sainuel Francis urges Americans to recapture their national identity,rnThomas Fleming chooses Jefferson’s decentralism over Mussolini’s nationalism, andrnScott P Richeit discusses the federal government’s attempts to manufacture Americans.rnFrom the 1998 John Randolph Club.rnTape#:RCJ2 $12.50rnSpecial Offer: With any order over $50, you will receive a free copy of the October 1997 issue of Chronicles.rnIMPERIAL PRESIDENCY—October 1997—Patrick J. Buchanan on Mr. Lincoln’s War. Samuel Francis on the demise of checks and balances, Llewellyn Rockwell, Jn, onrnexecutive branch evils, and Donald Livingston and Thomas Nay lor on the real ineaning of the Pledge of Allegiance. Plus Thomas Fleming on how presidents became our masters andrnMarian Kester Coombs on the attempt to feminize mathematics.rnBack Issue #: T970 $7.00rnProduct Order FormrnNamernAddressrnCitv/State/Ziprn1 1 Check or money order enclosedrnPlease bill my: [^ MasterCard [^ Visa |~| AmexrnCard #rnExpiration DaternSignaturernPlease mail form (with payment) to:rnChronicles/ProductsrnP.O. Box 800rn- Mount Morris, IL 61054rnorn1 or, t o o r d e r t o l l – f r e e , call 1 – 8 0 0 – 3 9 7 – 8 1 6 0rnProduct Code Quantity Unit PricernSubtotalrn20% Discount (on orders over $50)rnTotal Pricern-rnShipping & Handling I N C L U D E DrnTax-Deductible Donation to The Rockford InstituternTotalrn+rnOEe? expires 9/50/0rnrnrn
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