CHRONICLES’ BACK ISSUES, TAPES, AND BOOKSrnOn Constitutionalism, and Judicial TyrannyrnDECONSTRUCTING JUSTICE—July 1999—Thomas Fleming on justice andrnthoughtcrime, Philip Jenkins on the presumption of innocence and other fairy tales,rnStephen B. Presser on the living Constitution and the death of sovereignty, and AntonyrnFlew on the mirage of John Rawls. Plus Justin Raimondo on Matthew Shepard and thernthought police and Marko Lopusina on the Albanian drug n-ade.rnBack Issue #:T997 $7.00rnSTATES’ RIGHTS, FEDERAL WRONGS—April 1999—Thomas Fleming on federalismrnversus absolutism, Stephen B. Presser on restoring state sovereignty, Donald W.rnLivingston on the tyranny of liberalism, and Michael Dan Jones on Louisiana and thernTenth Amendment. Plus Bill Murchison on the Texas Constitution, Michael Jordan onrnstudying with Russell Kirk, and Mark Tooley on Clinton and the clergy.rnBack Issue #:T994 $7.00rnCAN THIS UNION BE SAVED?—February 1998—Thomas Heming on fighting thernfederal beast, Donald Livingston on secession and states’ rights, William J. Quirk andrnRobert M. Wilcox on judicial tyranny and constitutional change, and John R. Stoeftler onrnjudicial taxation. Plus Joseph E. Fallon on the censored history of World War II internmentrnand Scott P. Richert on the fall of the right.rnBack Issue #:T982 $7.00rnINHUMAN RIGHTS—August 1996—William R. Hawkins on the World Trade Organization,rnSrdja Trifkovic on the Hague Tribunal, Marshall DeRosa on the war on nationalrnsovereignty, and Bill Weber on suicide and states’ rights. Plus Thomas Fleming’s reviewrnof George Garrett’s The King of Babylon Shall Mot Come Against You and Nicholas Stix’srncrime stories from New York City.rnBack Issue #:T968 $7.00rnTURNING RIGHTS INTO WRONGS: THE SUPREME COURT VS. THE BILLrnOF RIGHTS—March 1995—William J. Quirk and R. Randall Bridwell on the evils ofrnjudicial review, Jerry Woodruff on the assault on the Second Amendment, Ronin Colmanrnon the drive for state sovereignty, and Christopher Baldwin on jury-rigging. Plus SamuelrnFrancis on Charles Murray’s and Richard Hermstein’s The Bell Cuive.rnBack Issue #:T9S3 $7.00rnREVOLUTIONS IN LAW—October 1993—Thomas Fleming on the tyranny of humanrnrights, Philip Jenkins on the feminist legal revolution. Bruce W. Burton on the linernitem veto, and Nicholas Stix on legalized racism. Plus Egon Richard Tausch on torchingrnthe Constitution in Waco and Virginia D. Abemethy on the relationship between immigrationrnand unemployment.rnBack Issue #:T930 $7.00rnLAW AND ORDER: CRIME AND PUNISHMENT—May 1992—Thomas Hemingrnon the role of the executioner, Philip Jenkins on the drug war and personal liberties,rnGraeme Newman on the case for corporal punishment, and Theodore Pappas on vigilanternjustice. Plus Murray Rothbard on street crime, Llewellyn Rockwell on vagrancy law,rnRichard frving on taxi drivers and minority crime, and a firsthand account of life in prison.rnBack Issue #: T925 $7.00rnJUDICIAL IMPERIALISM—Audiotape—Two constitutional scholars, StephenrnPresser and William Quirk, discuss attempts by the federal courts to weaken federalismrnand curtail states’ rights. Dr Presser argues that the federal courts may be a hopeless case,rnwhile Dr Quirk explains how Congress can curb the Supreme Court. From the 1997 JohnrnRandolph Club.rnTape#:RBJ3 $12.50rnLET MY PEOPLE GO! RETURNING SELF-RULE TO ROCKFORD—Audiotapern—The rally that changed the dynamics of the Rockford school desegregation case.rnThomas Fleming explains the importance of local control of Rockford’s schools and callsrnfor an end to the federal takeover, while U.S. Congressman Dan Manzullo comments onrnlegislation that he has introduced to curtail judicial taxation.rnTape#:RBLI $12.50rnRALLY FOR ROCKFORD: MAD AS HELL OVER JUDICIAL TAXATION—rnAudiotape—The Rockford Institute’s second local rally, featuring Thomas Fleming onrnjudicial taxation, Stephen Presser on judicial tyranny, local lawyer Michael O’Brien onrnthe Rockford tax protest, and Rockford school board members on their plans for endingrnthe federal takeover of Rockford’s schools.rnTape#:RCL2 $12.50rnSpecial Offer: With any order over $50, you will receive a free copy of the October 1997 issue of Chronicles.rnIMPERIAL PRESIDENCY—October 1997—Patrick J. Buchanan on Mr Lincoln’s War, Samuel Francis on the demise of checks and balances, Llewellyn Rockwell, Jr, onrnexecutive branch evils, and Donald Livingston and Thomas Naylor on the real meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance. Plus Thomas Fleming on how presidents became our masters andrnMarian Kester Coombs on the attempt to feminize mathematics.rnBack Issue #:T970 $7.00rnProduct Order FormrnNamernAddressrnCitv/State/ZiprnCheck or money order enclosedrn1 1 Please bill my: | | MasterCard | | Visa | | AmexrnCard*rnExpiration DaternSignaturernPlease mail form (with payment) to:rnChronicles/ProductsrnP.O. Box 800rnMount Morris, IL 61054rnOrn2 or, to o r d e r t o l l – f r e e , call 1 – 8 0 0 – 3 9 7 – 8 1 6 0rn<rnProduct Code Quantity Unit PricernSubtotalrn20% Discount (on orders over $50)rnTotal Pricern-rnShipping & Handling I N C L U D E DrnTax-Deductible Donation to The Rockford InstituternTotalrn+rnOffer expires 8/31/01rnrnrn