Fighting Terrorism

Fighting Terrorism by Clyde N. Wilson • May 4, 2007 • Printer-friendly

Clyde N. WilsonA BBC television spy series, M I-5, which is now being marketed to the U.S., portrays a heroic group of British government agents who have been beefed up and empowered since 9/11 to fight the rising threat of terrorism.

In the first episode, the terror threat came from a pro-life bomber—an American female with a Southern accent. The pro-life fanatic, of course, was an adulteress and a hypocrite who did not really care for children.

In the second episode, the terror threat comes from a white racist who instigates thugs to beat up and set fire to poor immigrants, thus causing the poor immigrants to riot. The bigot, a successful businessman who says he loves his country, is also, of course, a wife-beater, a killer, and an illegal alien smuggler! It is made clear that the victims in this case are immigrants who are unobtrusively identified as Muslims.

Episode 3: The terrorists are Kurds (who don’t look anything at all like Kurds) who are threatening poor Turkish diplomats. But it turns out that the poor Kurds are really victims too, being manipulated by an evil Englishmen who is using them as cover for a bank job.

MI-5In Episode 4 we have yet another egregious threat to world civilization—a group of German Green extremists trying to disrupt George W. Bush’s visit to London.

There is nothing like observing the tried and true rules of winning a conflict. First, identify your problem clearly. Second, get your priorities straight. And third, know you enemy. Television is a pretty good reflection of the imperial mind-set. It is good to know who our rulers have in mind when they invoke the Terrorist threat—pro-life people, opponents of immigration, and environmentalists. It is not jihad. It is, Dear Reader, a vicious and dishonest caricature—of you and me.

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