OPINIONSrnAlien Futurernby Paul Craig Robertsrn”A nation scattered and peeled,… a nation meted out and trodden down.”rn—IsaiahrnAlien Nation: Common Sense AboutrnAmerica’s Immigration Disasterrnby Peter BrimelowrnNew York: Random House;rn291 pp., $23.00rnLike Romans in ancient times, Americansrnare losing their country tornimmigration, and few seem to know it.rnOne who does know is Peter Brimelow,rnhimself an immigrant and recently naturalizedrncitizen. In his book Alien Nation,rnhe more or less predicts that immigrationrnis undermining social cohesivenessrnand has the United States on the roadrnto breakup. Four separate regions arernemerging: an Asian Pacific coast, anrnHispanic southwest, a black and whiternsoutheast and northeast, and a whiternlandlocked center. Among the culpritsrnin the smashing of the once-fabled meltingrnpot are the 1965 Immigration Act,rnuncontrolled illegal immigration, a continuousrnstream of immigrants withoutrnpause for assimilation, politically correctrnmulticulturalism, which has redefinedrnassimilation as “racist,” support systemsrnand race-based legal privileges for “protectedrnminorities” that have made grouprnPaul Craig Roberts is an economist andrnsyndicated columnist.rnidentity more valuable than assimilation,rnand the denial of dangers posed by all ofrnthe above by experts and intellectualsrnacross the political and ideological spectrum.rnThe 1965 Immigration Act abolishedrnnational origin as the basis for immigration.rnThe national origin basis helpedrnthe melting pot to function by admittingrnpeople based on cultural ties. These arernthe very people whom the 1965 act discriminatesrnagainst, and ever since thenrnEuropeans have been crowded outrnby Hispanics, Asians, and blacks. Proponentsrnof the 1965 act gave firm assurancesrnthat it would neither raise thernlevel of immigration nor affect the ethnicrnmix. For example. Senator EdwardrnKennedy, the bill’s floor manager, statedrncategorically that “under the proposedrnbill, the present level of immigration remainsrnsubstantially the same” and thatrn”the ethnic mix of this country will notrnbe upset.” His brother Robert testifiedrnthat the total effect of the bill on Asianrnimmigration would be 5,000 morernimmigrants the first year, “after whichrnimmigration from that source wouldrnvirtually disappear.” The real number,rnBrimelow notes, has proved to be 1,129.7rntimes greater. Representative EmmanuelrnCeller, a Democrat from New York, didrnnot share the Kennedys’ illusions. Hernsaid that the 1965 act was designed “tornobliterate and nullify and cancel out” thernnational-origin basis of immigration.rnWhether or not the act’s architects had arnhidden agenda, the mathematics of thernlegislation was kept hidden from thernAmerican people, who had no idea thatrntheir leaders were throwing out the meltingrnpot in favor of multicultural diversity.rnThe nonwhite pattern of immigrationrnestablished by the 1965 act is now reinforcedrnby extensive illegal immigration.rnThe desperate hordes of people bargingrninto the United States are not Europeans.rnThe border with Mexico isrnporous, to say the least, but the trulyrnalarming fact is that anyone who managesrnto get a toe on American soil is protectedrnby American law and due process.rnThat means that they are here to stay.rnIllegals, Brimelow reports, simply fly intornNew York’s John F. Kennedy Airport, applyrnfor asylum, and, because of lack ofrndetention space, are released into thernUnited States on a promise to presentrnthemselves at a future hearing. Few, ofrncourse, ever do. Thanks to the motorvoterrnlaw, they can acquire driving licensesrnand voter registration cards simultane-rnTo order these books, (24hrs, 365 days)rnplease call (800) 962-6651 (Ext. 5200)rn28/CHRONICLESrnrnrn