ed in Forgotten Lessons. Unfortunatelyrnour best work on Flynn is an excellentrnbut long-neglected doctoral thesis,rnRichard Clark Frey, Jr.’s “John T. Flynnrnand the United States in Crisis, 1928-rn1950″ (University of Oregon, 1969), IfrnPavlik’s anthology can renew interest inrnthe entire corpus of Flynn’s work, we canrnunderstand an entire state of mind farrntoo neglected bv historians.rnJustus D. Doenecke is a professor ofrnhistory at New College of the Universityrnof South Florida. His latest book, writtenrnwith ]ohn E. Wilz, is From Isolation tornWar, I93I-1941.rnIn Enemy Countryrnby Gregory McNameernFinding Moonrnby Tony HillermanrnNew York: HarperCollins;rn288 pp., $24.00rnAt the start of his new novel, FindingrnMoon, Tony Hillerman apologizesrn”for wandering away from our belovedrnNavajo canyon countr’.” That apology,rnhowever, is unnecessary. While FindingrnMoon may not be Hillerman’s best novelrnto date, it takes its readers on a suspensefulrnride through exotic country in justrnthe wav that his best-selling Leaphorn-rnChee mysteries have done.rnIn Finding Moon, Hillerman introducesrna character we may well be hearingrnof again: Moon Mathias, a former combatrninfantryman turned small-townrnnewspaper reporter and curmudgeon.rnReaders may be forgiven for not likingrnMathias much at first, for Hillermanrnpaints him, in the opening pages of hisrnbook, as a thoroughly unsympatheticrnman. Mathias is content to show up atrnwork, bang out a few stories, suck downrncoffee as a placebo for the booze he hasrnrecently given up, and head back to arnhome he shares with a much youngerrngirlfriend. Most of his energy is devotedrnto carefully avoiding emotional commitmentrnof any kind.rnHis unentangled life snarls suddenlyrnon the morning of April 12, 1975, whenrnMathias receives a call from airport securityrnat Los Angeles International: hisrnmother has taken ill while awaiting arnflight for the Philippines. Not long before,rnhis younger brother Ricky, an officerrnwho resigned his commission tornmaintain a fleet of aircraft for a shadowyrnprivate concern in Southeast Asia, hasrnbeen killed somewhere in Cambodia,rn”burned to ashes in a broken helicopter.”rnMathias guesses that his mother was onrnher way to retrieve his brother’s remains.rnBut the situation is far more complicatedrnthan that. Mathias’s mother, itrntranspires, was not on her way to claimrnher son, but her son’s child, a girl born torna Cambodian woman. The governmentrnin Phnom Penh has collapsed that samernday, helicopters are hiving on embassyrnroofs, and foreigners throughout SoutheastrnAsia are in headlong flight from advancingrncommunist armies. A time ofrnpurges, civil war, and payback is no timernfor a child of mixed descent to start lifernin this place; as the woman who enlistsrnherself in his support, a Dutch expatriaternname Osa Van Winjgaarden, explains tornMoon, “The Klimers don’t like the Laotians,rnand the Laotians don’t like thernThais, and the Vietnamese don’t like thernMontagnards, and nobody likes peoplernwho are mixed.”rnMathias sets out in his mother’s placernto bring Ricky’s daughter to the UnitedrnStates. His voyage takes him into therntiger cages of Ferdinand Marcos’s Philippines,rndown atmospheric back alleys outrnof The Deer Hunter, and across the SouthrnChina Sea in a leaky tub recalling thernstories of Joseph Conrad. He races acrossrnthe Mekong Delta in a commandeeredrnarmored personnel carrier, bravingrnmountains and swamps and minefieldsrnwith a ragtag crew of helpers. He wandersrninto and out of scenes of carnagernthat ring unpleasantly true (Mr. Hillerman,rna veteran of World War II, dedicatesrnhis book to the men of his unit andrnto all those who have earned the CombatrnInfantry Badge), and he sees firsthandrnwhat a world in collapse looks like. Thernexperience changes him, and when he finallyrnfinds his niece, Mathias discoversrnhis elation at successfully completing hisrnmission tempered by sorrow. “Now herncould go home,” Hillerman writes. “If herncould get there. But where was the joyrnhe should be feeling?”rnMuch of Hillerman’s story is unlikel)’rnin the extreme, veering dangerously closernto the comic-book antics of Rambo. Thernplotting is neither as thick nor as carefulrnas in the Leaphorn-Chee mysteries forrnwhich Hillerman has become famous;rnthe ending is just a little too pat; and therntext is sprinkled with the throwawayrncliches of the mystery genre.rnBut Moon’s voyage is as much aboutrnself-discovery as selfless rescue, which explainsrnwhy many of the most interestingrnplot developments, coming in a priest’srnconfessional in Manila, where we discoverrnjust what has embittered Moon for sornlong, accord perfectly with Hillerman’srnvision of Moon as a man of no attachments,rna man with nothing much to recommendrnhim, who comes neverthelessrnto appreciate the needs of others throughrna nearly religious awakening. As Moonrncomes to grips with loss, rootedness, andrnthe meaning of family, Hillerman’s storyrnacquires real depth, a depth that has notrnemerged before in his Navajo stories.rnThe result is a fine suspense novel thatrnsmacks more of Graham Greene than ofrnJohn D. McDonald, or even the TonyrnHillerman of old. Hillerman’s many admirersrnwill not be disappointed withrnFinding Moon, even if they, with the author,rnfind themselves far from familiarrnground.rnGregory McNamee’s latest book is ThernSierra Club Desert Reader: A LiteraryrnJourney {Sierra Club Books).rnimui mrnWATCH OUT, MR. CHIPSrnAccording to the London Daily Telegraphrnlast December, a Londonrnschoolteacher named Ursula Gregoryrnwas denied consideration for a teachingrnposition because she used thernword “immigrants.” A municipalrnpanel felt that her use of such termsrnshowed a lack of ethnic awarenessrnand sensitivit). “I was worried aboutrnthe use of words such as ‘immigrants’rnand ‘recent African refugees,'” saidrnone panel member. The membersrndid give consideration to a candidaternwho had taught in Nigeria, becausern”teaching there was akin to teachingrnin Lambeth.”rnAPRIL 1996/33rnrnrn