Lies, Damn Lies,rnand Absurditiesrnby Loxlev F. NicholsrnRecmering American Literaturernhy Peter ShawrnChicago: Iran R. Dee;rn203 pp., $22.00rnDespite its optimistic title. RecoveringrnAmerican Literature is realhrnal)out the seerit’ of illness, the magnitudernof loss. In a book \’eighted with e -rnidencc. Peter Shaw shous how literaturernhas suffered b- suberting art to polities.rnSubstituting the dogma of politicalrncorrectness for uniersal themes andrnmctapln sieal questions, academies sincernthe 196(l’s hae been reinterpreting thernmasterpieces of our literature soleK’ asrntest
January 1975July 26, 2022By The Archive
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