ermonger, he has nothing to teachnthose who are not concerned withnvanquishing, as opposed to mere winning.nYugoslavia does not need a newncharismatic champion of mercilessnbetterment. The West does not neednanother false martyr and an even falsernprophet, leading us all into our “limitlessnfuture.” If there is anything limitlessnabout man it may be our gullibilityn—our optimism must not be the outcomenof either our ignorance or ourncowardice but of our knowledge ofnself and our essentially “limited” humanity.nIt is true that Communists, Djilasnincluded, have often exhibited a mostnexemplary idealism and transcendencenof human frailty, but Djilas hides thenwellsprings of this attainment. Today,nas before, fanatics’ endurance is basednon expectation of reward, ever greaternthan any evil committed for the cause.nThat may be found surprising in anMontenegrin, to whom a Valhallanshould provide ample solace.nA batde well fought, a game elegantlynplayed to the utmost, a manlinessnpaid full homage to may havensatisfied true men through the ages,nyet for Djilas and his innumerablenlikes, this was never enoughn—especially compared to full dominionnover the Earthly, or the HeavenlynKingdom. (MS)nOut of the Closet,nInto the Morguenby Bryce ChiistensennThe AIDS Cover-Up? The Real andnAlarming Facts About AIDS bynGene Antonio, San Francisco:nIgnatius; $9.95.nHomosexual activists will not like thisnbook. For if ever there were an empiricalnrefutation to the “gay rights” agenda.nGene Antonio has written it. Innconvincing (sometimes nauseating)ndetail, Antonio explains why the homosexualnmovement has provided thenideal conduit for one of the most lethalndiseases ever to afHiet mankind. Yetnhomosexuals and their apologists havenso far managed to suppress public debatenof the most disturbing discoveriesnabout Acquired Immune DeficiencynSyndrome (AIDS).nNot many people know that thenhomosexual ghetto was already ancontagion-ridden swamp before thenAIDS epidemic. Fewer still have heardnthat the AIDS virus belongs to thenclass of killer pathogens known as lentiviruses,npreviously found only innmonkeys, sheep, and pigs and so farnentirely resistant to veterinary cure,nMost people remain unaware of researchnshowing that the AIDS virusncan kill even if the body’s immunensystem remains intact. Likewise hidÂÂnden from public view are studies suggestingnthat the disease might benspread through mosquito bites, milkncontamination, and casual contact.nSeveral of Antonio’s recommendationsnfor fighting the diseasen—broadening the official definition ofnAIDS, closing bathhouses, banningnhomosexual blood donations, and legallynrestricting other homosexualnactivities—make sense, except that henwants the Federal government to takenthese steps. The Feds do not neednanother excuse to tighten their bureaucraticnstranglehold on America. Givenn’7he best case of a periodicalnf}nwhich stretches across the artsn—^The London Times Literary Supplementnspring 1987 issue features Wendell Berry’s essay “Writer and Region:nDumb Abyss and Beloved Community,” about rootlessness versusncommunity in American life and literature. And John P. Sislc’s essay “ThenDevil and American Epic” deals with writings about war from The RednBadge of Courage to M.AS.H.nAlso, A. R. Ammons’ twelve-page poem “Inclinations”; “Flood”, a storynby Kathleen Hill; Nikki Stiller looks at Jim Jarmusch’s film “Down bynLaw”; and other chronicles of recent film, music, dance and theatre.nThe Hudson ReviewnA Magazine of Literature and the ArtsnSUBSCRTOE NOWnTHE HUDSON REVIEW, 684 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10021n1 wish to subscribe to THE HUDSON REVIEW for_nThis is a new ornI enclose a checl^ or money order for $nyear(s)n.renewal subscription.n1 year $18.00; 2 years $34.00; 3 years $50.00. Please add $1 for subscriptionsnoutside U.S. Lifetime subscriptions anywhere in the world $150.00.nSingle issue and recent bacl< issues $5.00.nNamenAdd ressnCity -State- ^ip-nnnMAY1987/35n
January 1975July 26, 2022By The Archive
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