3.r6 notnout of fashion,nDuring these times, Chronicles ofnCulture remains based on the proposintion that ideas, attitudes, morals andnmanners still matter—even in anworld that takes itself too seriouslynat one moment and reduces everythingnto trivialities the next.nAt this juncture of history,nChronicles of Culture still insistsnthat civilizations are built upon a spencific vision of order and virtuenAnd that moral and socialnnorms have never ceased to .nbe their firmest moorings. ”’nEven today—in spite of all v. c nwitness in print and on the screenn-Chronicles of Culture believesnthat literature, art, various othernmodes of cultural expression, and freenintellectual inquiry are, as they alwaysnhave been, the best guardians of humanenvahies. And that they must be defended,nwith substance and intensit’, from thennnreigning low standards of criticalnevaluation. Chronicles ofnCulture is not comfortablenreading for those who deemnreasonand rectitudenobsolete.nThe support of taste, civilitynand style is our metier. We arenstaunchly against fads, yet interestednin seminal fashions andntrends. Those who dye their hairnpurple will find Chronicles ofnCulture offensive, as will thosenwho consider common sense thenslavery of the mind.nDiscerning readers findnChronicles of Culture to bentheir choice. We believe younwill too.nTo subscribe to Chronicles of Culturencomplete and return the attached replyncard.n