based on the Roman concept of exclusive and absolutenrights to property. As such, this concept of rights is seen innconflict with the Christian view of a property right being anlimited, stewardship right. However, transferable privatenproperty rights are actually more a way of keeping propertynuse dependent upon the desires and needs of others. Undernpublic ownership, resource managers can act more absolutelynand much more independently of others. Though privatenrights do not put absolute limits on the actions of propertynholders, they are held accountable (through increases ornMY COUNTRY 60’s by Jigs GardnernIlived in Vermont from 1962-71, and I met many of whatnI later came to call 60’s people. While I recognized themnfor what they were at the time — that required no greatnpenetration — nevertheless there were things about themn]igs Gardner writes from Nova Scotia.n” decreases in their wealth) for the degree of their accommodationnof others.nEstablishing private property rights is not the entirenanswer to our natural resource problems. We also dependnupon a high degree of responsibility, tolerance, and mutualnunderstanding. However, since such attitudes have nevernuniversally prevailed, moving away from private ownershipntoward public rights will not help the situation; rather it willnworsen it.nthat puzzled me: Why did they suddenly appear in drovesnthere and then? Why were they taken so seriously? Mostnpuzzling of all, how was it that they completely escapednanalysis and criticism?nThe way we got mixed up with the 60’s people is a littlenembarrassing to relate. In September 1962, my wife and InnnFEBRUARY 1988 j 25n
January 1975July 25, 2022By The Archive
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