servants about to receive the OBE (Obey Brass Eagerly), butnI saw more Stars and Stripes displayed by shopkeepers in thencapital than the Union Jacks issued them. One sign read:nEngland Forsaked Us; America Saved Us. On February 20,n1986, Reagan paid a similar visit and was met withnrapturous applause by nearly half the island at the Queen’snPark cricket ground. The turn from a Europocentric way ofnlife was clear.nStill, if these islands God made from de rainbow (as thensaying goes) are today inhabited by young people looking tonAmerica as a model, we may expect the worst as well as thenbest of the horizontal American freedom to infect them.nGrenada’s brief embrace of Maurice Bishop was, apart fromnfatigue with the incumbent (Gairy), less hatred of capitalismnthan infatuation with imported ’60ish American socialism.nWhen this was run on to its end in dictatorship, thenisland reneged on its enthusiasm, and considerable satisfactionnwas felt in 1986, when 14 (including a woman) werensentenced to be hanged for the murder of Bishop and hisnTHE SILENT INVASION by Wayne Luttonn”It is surely arguable that during the third centurynof American existence the main problem of thisnnation will be—it already is—that of immigrationnand migration, mostly from the so-called ThirdnWorld.”n—John LukacsnLast year the Immigration and Naturalization Servicen(INS) apprehended 1.8 million illegal aliens along ournsouthern border—less than half the number who tried tonenter. This was in addition to approximately 500,000 legalnimmigrants, a number greater than the number of immigrantsnaccepted by the other 150-odd nations combined.nLast fall, the Simpson-Rodino Immigration Reform Actnpassed into law. While it does attempt to discourage illegalnimmigration by providing penalties for employers whonknowingly hire illegal aliens, the law also grants amnesty fornaliens who can document that they have resided in ourncountry since before January 1, 1982. Given the easynavailability of forged records and the generous attitude ofnvolunteer organizations enlisted by the federal governmentnto assist with amnesty processing (some of which have anrecord of sympathy with the sanctuary movement), thenpublic’s demand for immigration control may have beennsubverted by the very legislation that has been enacted toncope with the problem.nIndeed, after a brief slowdown in border apprehensionsnfrom late fall through early February of this year, it is nownclear that aliens are still coming in larger and largernnumbers. Though the United States is a part of the WesternnWayne Lutton is research director for The Summit,nManitou Springs, Colorado.nMinisters.nDoes, then, this sociological shift make for politicalnvolatility? It certainly does. After the Grenada intervention,n”Fast Eddie” Seaga took Jamaica from the Marxist Manleynby 51 votes out of 60. Were there a Jamaican electionntomorrow, this count could be reversed (as it was in recentnmunicipal elections). The Caribbean Basin Initiative wasnconfidently predicated on the hope that local governmentsnwould remain stable, given a strong free economy. Certainlyn”Tom” Adams provided as much in Barbados and carriednall before him during intervention; however, when hensubsequently died, his successor lost to the anti-AmericannErrol Barrow, who took 23 seats out of 25. Regionallynoil-rich Trinidad went to the polls in December 1986, andnincumbent George Chambers, successor to Sir Eric Williams,ndid not merely lose, he also went down to virtuallynunknown A.N.R. Robinson by 33 seats to three! All this, tonsay the least, makes any sort of rational interpretive diplomacynin the region very difficult.nworld, only 5 percent of the legal immigrants last year camenfrom Europe. The rest of the legal immigrants—and thenoverwhelming percentage of the illegals—came from thenThird World. Many are from Mexico and Central America.nBut other people from India, China, the Middle East, andnAfrica are using Mexico as a trampoline to enter the UnitednStates. The San Diego border patrol office interceptednillegal aliens from 67 countries along its sector last year.nThis experience is true for stations in Texas. In Florida, innaddition to increasing numbers of Cubans, Colombians,nand Haitians, Sikhs and Bangladeshi have been among thenforeign nationals caught trying to enter.nTwelve years ago. General Leonard Chapman, thennCommissioner of the INS, warned: “Illegal immigration isnout of control.” More recently. President Ronald Reaganntestified that “This country has lost control of its ownnborders and no country can sustain that kind of position.”nYet, massive immigration continues and may be surpassingnthe all-time highs recorded at the turn of the 20th century.nNor has there been much public attention given to thenquestion of how large-scale immigration will affect thenfuture of the United States. As sociologists Glaister andnEvelyn Elmer of Indiana University note, it is highlyndebatable “whether a population diversity unprecedented inna democratic country will lead to the great and tranquilnsociety we all desire or to divisiveness and eventual disintegration.”nEric Severeid, the veteran CBS newsman and onenof the first journalists labeled a “neoconservative,” expressednhis concern for the future of our country. In anninterview with the Christian Science Monitor (January 28,n1987), he remarked that one of the “truly major issues” thatnmust be dealt with is what he calls “the vast tidal wave ofnhuman beings” moving from the Third World into thenWestern nations. “There is fragmentation going on in thisnnnAUGUST 1987 /17n